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Crestview School
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Book Tasting

January 31, 2020

Book Tasting.jpgYou're probably wondering what a Book Tasting is! Here's a hint – you don't actually eat the books. We'll tell you how we did ours in room 14.

First, when we entered the room, it was transformed into a restaurant! Each table had certain books on the plates. We got to enjoy a juice box and a cookie while we looked through the books. We had 5 minutes with each book to “sample" it. This meant we read the back of the book, looked at the front cover, and read a page. This “tasting" was important because it helped us decide whether we were interested in the books or not. We gave the books a rating of 1-10 and made notes on a recording sheet.

Book Tasting 1.jpgAfterwards, we made our top three choices for the books we would most like to read. This will determine which group we are going to be in for our Literature Circles next week.

Now that you know that you don't actually eat books during a “Book Tasting", you could try it out yourself!

Thank you for reading!

Book Tasting 3.jpgBy: Ms. McCullough & the students of room 14


Book Tasting 2.jpg