Dear families,
As with any seasonal flu and respiratory infections, there are precautions that we can all take to stay safe and healthy. We are closely monitoring the situation and are following recommendations from the
Public Health Agency of Canada, Manitoba Health and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. It is wise to be prepared when health risks arise, and this communication is intended to inform and assist our families as we take a proactive approach to keep our school communities healthy.
Cleaning Procedures
Cleaning for health continues to be a top priority in all SJASD school locations. Custodial staff use disinfectants that are rated and approved for school environments in the daily cleaning of touch points and surfaces in our schools. The cleaning agents used by custodial staff are designed to disinfect within schools.
Pandemic Planning and Response
St. James-Assiniboia School Division staff have access to training materials and resources designed specifically to manage and address public health related concerns. Additionally, we are in regular communication with our community partners such as neighbouring school jurisdictions, police, municipalities and health services.
Washing hands with soap and water is the most effective method to removing germs. If sinks are not available, the use of alcohol-based sanitizers can be used. It is important to note that when hands are visible soiled, alcohol-based sanitizers may not be effective at eliminating viruses.
Learn more about Hand Hygiene.
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and use a tissue or flexed elbow to prevent the spread of respiratory illness. Dispose of tissues in a plastic-lined waste bin and ensure hand hygiene is performed immediately following. The wearing of masks for those who do not show symptoms is not recommended. Refer to attached document for further details.
Out of Country Travel
Due to ongoing concerns globally regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, we have compiled some additional resources and information families may find helpful as they make travel plans for this Spring.
1. A real-time website is currently tracking all data related to cases of COVID-19. This website shows the number of cases per country and where those cases have been located. You can visit the website
2. The Government of Canada has put together a full section on managing the health risks for those who are traveling out of the country. The section includes links to active travel health notices, known risks associated with COVID-19, safety and security abroad, cruise travel, returning traveller information, and what to do if you think you are exposed. You can visit the website
3. If you are travelling to a country listed as high risk, we ask that you notify your child’s teacher or principal prior to leaving and follow the recommendations put forward
The safety of our students, staff and communities is our top priority. The School Division will continue to rely on the appropriate public health authorities to provide advice and guidance to the Division, on safety, health and environmental matters.
Mike Wake
Acting Superintendent
St. James-Assiniboia School Division