Hedges will be handing out masks on September 8th and 9th when students return to school.
If you want your child's masks prior to this, you must come by Hedges front entrance August 27 between 10am-1pm or
August 31 from 10am-1pm.
Staff will check your child's name off as having picked up. Please ensure your child does not forget their mask at home.
- drive into the bus loop (cars, bikes, walk, etc.)
- a staff member will meet you in the bus loop (weather permitting) or under the canopy of the main entrance (inclement weather)
- the name and grade level of the student must be provided to obtain the students' two masks
- Masks are mandatory for all students, staff and visitors at all times when in the school and physical distancing guidelines of 2m cannot be met
Public health has advised that masks should be switched out after eating or an extended period of time. We recommend that your child have 2 masks with them during the school day and bring a container labeled with their name and room number to store them in.
Information on how to properly wear and remove a mask is available here. Please review this protocol with your child and have them practice wearing their mask for extended periods of time at home and when in the community. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/video/covid-19-wear-non-medical-mask-face-covering-properly.html
Information on how to clean your mask is attached and below. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/hc-sc/documents/services/publications/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-safely-use-non-medical-mask-face-covering/covid-19-safely-use-non-medical-mask-face-covering-en.pdf
Click here to see the attachment on "How to Safely Use a Non-medical Mask or Face Covering".
Take care.