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Jameswood Alternative School
News Item

Health and Safety Client Notice - COVID-19: How to Access Food, Effective March 23, 2020

March 25, 2020

Winnipeg Harvest Square.jpgWe are striving to ensure all Manitobans who need it have access to emergency, temporary food support. To stretch our resources and serve an anticipated larger number of clients, we are preparing large food hampers to be delivered through our network of community food banks and partner organizations.

To access one of these hampers, please follow the steps outlined below.

Step #1 

Contact the Food Assistance Call Centre to book an appointment at your local food bank:

* Hours: Monday to Friday 9:15 AM - 3:15 PM, Saturday 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM * Please have your Manitoba Health Card ready In Winnipeg:

Step #2

Attend Your Appointment 

* Bring your Manitoba Health Card to your local food bank, and bags or boxes to carry your food hamper.
* Read what you will receive below.

Step #3 

Following your appointment

  • Call or Email the Food Assistance Call Centre in Step 1 to book your next appointment.

What you will receive:

  • ​One large, pre-packaged Food Hamper per registered address every 4 Weeks.

The larger hamper is intended to provide support for a 10-14-day period, the same amount of time as the recommended quarantine period. Food banks may help provide supplementary food to help families and individuals stretch their budgets, however it is not expected to meet all food needs.

Hampers will include a selection of non-perishable items including Canned Soup, Canned Vegetables, Pasta and Sauce, Dry Lentils, Bouillon cubes, Oatmeal, Rice, Peanut Butter, Canned Meat, Pancake Mix, Crackers, Cookies, and other items as available.

There will be no special items like gluten free, no daily extras, and no other perishable items, pet food, diapers, feminine hygiene, etc.

Hamper will be roughly the size of 3 plastic grocery bags.

Recipes are available online to help make meals from these items -

For more information please contact WinnipegHarvest​.