A positive school climate and a safe learning and teaching environment are essential if students are to succeed in school. A positive school climate means everyone feels they are welcome and respected. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility for everyone to be accountable for their actions and contribute to a positive school climate.
In alignment with the Manitoba Education Provincial Code of Conduct and the St. James-Assiniboia School Division’s Student Conduct policy (JK), Lakewood School’s goal is to provide a safe, secure and caring learning environment, which fosters students’ personal growth, self-respect, and a sense of belonging and prepares them to be responsible citizens.
All people on school property and/or engaged in school business must behave in a respectful manner and comply with the code of conduct.
Unacceptable behaviours include, but are not limited to the following: Bullying/cyber-bullying
- Social, physical, sexual, psychological, verbal or written abuse or aggression
- Harassment/discrimination
- Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Threats to self and others
- Gang involvement
- Possession of a weapon
- Possession or being under the influence of an illicit drug
- Inappropriate use of the internet and electronic devices/communication
For further infomation regarding the code of conduct, please refer to the following resources:- Click here to view School Division Policy JK: Student Conduct
- Click here to view the School Division Student Threat Assessment brochure
- Click here to view the Manitoba Education: Safe and Caring Schools Provincial Code of Conduct – Appropriate Interventions and Disciplinary Consequences