St. James-Assiniboia Divisional Science Fair 2017 Special Awards Report
The 51st Annual SJASD Divisional Science Fair took place on April 5th, 2017 at George Waters Middle School and St. James Collegiate. The special award winners are listed below.
Top Project AwardsThe Top Project award is presented to a project in Grade 3, 4, and 5. The award is given to a project that has demonstrated exemplary scientific skill and has received a top score from judges.
Grade 3 Trophy AwardWinner(s): Julia Souque from Ecole Assiniboia School
Project: Inclusion – Learning about kids with special needs (3-1)
Grade 4 Trophy AwardWinner(s): Robyn Alksnis from Strathmillan Elementary School
Project: Into the Redwoods (4-24)
Grade 5 Trophy AwardWinner(s): Thomas Gale from Linwood Elementary School
Project: Hydropower (5-32)
Canadian Science AwardThe Canadian Science Award is given to a project which has demonstrated a science study associated with Canada. This award includes a certificate and Canadian Flag and is sponsored by the Honorable Doug Eylofson, Member of Parliament.
Certificate and FlagWinner: Robyn Alksnis from Strathmillan Elementary School
Project: Into the Redwoods (4-24)
Manitoba Hydro AwardsThe Manitoba Hydro “Energy and You” award is given to those projects that have demonstrated outstanding research in the area of energy and related conservation applications. The award includes a certificate and cash prize.
Letter/CertificateWinner(s): Sameer Batla from Lincoln Middle School
Project: Solar Power – The Future of Energy (PHYS-5)
Letter/CertificateWinner(s): Thomas Gale from Linwood Elementary School
Project: Hydropower (5-32)
Letter/CertificateWinner(s): Tyler Ullyot from Linwood Elementary School
Project: Hydrodam (5-14)
Young Scientist AwardSpeech: The Young Scientist Award is given to those projects that have an unique presentation with outstanding science research. The award includes a plaque.
Winner(s): Nathan Varghese from Lincoln Middle School
Project: Augmented Reality (MCT-2)
Winner(s): Evelyn Sankar from College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate
Project: How is Bacteria Growth affected by UV Light? (BIO-7)
Winner(s): Jack Sparham and Nixon Sparham from Phoenix Elementary
Project : How Important is the Face-Off? (5-18)
Winner(s): Lynden Bartlett from Crestview Elementary School
Project: Cloning (5-6)
Winner(s): Chloe Smith from Sansome Elementary School
Project: Climate Change : The Rising Seas
Fort Whyte Sustainability AwardSpeech: The Fort Whyte Alive Sustainability award is given to a study or experimental project associated with the environment. The award is generously donated by Fort Whyte.
The Fort Whyte Alive Sustainability award is given to
Presenter: Mrs. Pshebniski Envelope
Winner(s): Robyn Alksnis from Strathmillan Elementary School
Project: Into the Redwoods (4-24)
Canada Wide Science Festival AwardThe St. James-Assiniboia School Division sponsors the Canada Wide Science Festival award which is given to a project in grades 7 – 12 which demonstrated high achievement in either research, design process, and/or scientific method and have met the Science Fair Committee’s eligibility requirements. The award entitles the winner to an all-expense paid trip to compete at Canada’s National Science Fair to be held this year in Montreal, Quebec in May. During the week, students in Grades 7 to 12 from all provinces and territories will showcase their projects for judges, local schoolchildren and the public. The students not only compete for close to $1 million in scholarships and grants, but they also form friendships with fellow students from across the country.
Grade 7 – 12 Letter/Medal/Glass PlaqueWinners(s): Rowan Neild-Reynolds from Bruce Middle School
Project: Is That Oil You Got? (ENV-1)
Grade 7 – 12 Letter/Medal/Glass PlaqueWinners(s): Noah Davidson from College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate
Project: Material Swings (PHYS-10)
Grade 7 – 12 Letter/Medal/Glass PlaqueWinners(s): Tharindu Kottegoda from Bruce Middle School
Project: Energy from a Backpack (PHYS-1)
Grade 7 – 12 Letter/Medal/Glass PlaqueWinners(s): Sameer Batla from Lincoln Middle School
Project: Solar Power – The Future of Energy (PHYS-5)