What does this mean?
During the month of June, schools will be contacting families to book a block of time for the purpose of one-on-one support, small groups, and transition meetings. As this scenario is new for everyone, the number of blocks and cohort of students will continue to evolve throughout June as students, parents and staff become comfortable with Phase Two of Restoring Safe Services. In week one, we will be starting with grades 5, 8 and 12 as we recognize these students are transitioning to a new school or graduating from SJASD. In weeks two, three and four, additional students will be identified and asked to attend with parent permission.
At no time will there be more than 25 students in attendance in the school building.
Please note:
• Bus transportation will not be provided.
• Parents can decline the invitation for their child to attend in person.
• Remote learning continues to be the primary delivery model until June 12th.
What does this look like?
Student support and attendance may and will look different at Early, Middle, and Senior Years due to age of students, school and classroom capacity, and teacher assignments. Each school will be creating a re-entry plan for their students and staff with the understanding that the safety and well-being of all involved is a priority. Parents will be sent electronically a
pre-screening link to review prior to the allotted date of visit. Upon arriving at school at your scheduled time, students will be directed to a staged area for screening by the school administrator or designate. After screening, students will be escorted, respecting physical distancing, to their work area.
Please be assured that these safety measures will be followed for both staff and students:
• use of designated entrance and exit points
• use of hand sanitizer station upon entering and exiting the building
• use of hand sanitizer station and hand washing before and after washroom use
• if at any time, staff or students are showing symptoms of illness they will be expected to return home
June 1st – 5th
Grades 5, 8 and 12 identified students will be invited to attend. The block of time will be 60 minutes. At no time will there be more than 25 students in the building. There will be one morning and one afternoon time slot for Early Years. In Middle and Senior Years, there will be two morning and two afternoon time slots
June 8th – 12th
Additional grade levels will be invited to attend. The block of time will be 60 minutes. At no time will there be more than 25 students in the building. Additional time slots will be added in the Early Years. All levels will have two morning and two afternoon time slots.
June 15th – 26th
The last two weeks in June will be dedicated to the continued efforts of academic recovery as well as connecting with students. No additional remote learning work will be assigned during this period as the focus will be on academic feedback. The feedback process will help in the planning of the learning recovery work for the start up of school in the fall. Blocks of time will continue to be 60 minutes. At no time will there be more than 25 students in the building. All levels will have two morning and two afternoon time slots.
We realize that in Phase Two of Restoring Safe Services, families have the option to participate. We understand that questions may arise. Please be assured that the safety and health of our learning community continues to be a priority. Any questions or concerns, please contact your principal.