Grade 8 Parents/Guardians,
Just a reminder it is high school registration time very shortly for our current grade 8 students.
Our four division high schools will be holding virtual Open house evenings in March after registrations are submitted. Course and school information is found on their websites.
High School registration forms will be handed out at Hedges to our grade 8's on February 11 and 12.
Completed grade 9 registration forms must be returned to Hedges as soon as they are completed but no later than February 26. Your child will be given the registration form to their catchment school. If you are in division but are wanting to register your child in a high school that is not your catchment school, you must place your name on the wait list wait list http://bit.ly/socreg2021 which will also be available on the division website. Your child must also submit their catchment high school registration.
For any student who is currently in grade 8 at Hedges and is an Out of Division resident, your child will not be given an application form on February 12 as they are required to indicate their intent to register at a SJASD high school through the online process which will place you on a wait list. This link will be available on the divisional website on February 12 at 8am. Confirmation of acceptance for out of division students will not occur until June.
Please read the attachment for registering information.
Parent Notice re Out of Catchment Division Registration 21-22.pdf