Staying Well – Building Resiliency for ages 5-18
Description of session: Resiliency involves the ability to 'bounce back' from stress and challenges that one may face across their lifespan and learn more from these experiences, so we are better prepared to face challenges in the future. In these presentations, parents will hear about the science behind resiliency and strategies to help your child build resiliency. Goals from this session will be: 1) To learn what resiliency is and why it is important to nurture this in our children; 2) Strategies to build resiliency in your child.
The following dates:
Early Years – Tuesday, April 20th – 6:15pm – 7:30pm
Middle & Senior Years – Wednesday, April 21st – 6:15pm – 7:30pm
How to register: Please contact Debbie Neufeld by email at debbie.neufeld@sjasd.ca or phone (204) 885-1334 and provide your child's name, grade, mailing address and phone number.