With daily health checks and following the COVID-19 protocols, you and your family can help keep our schools safe. Remember to check every morning to see if you, your child and your family have COVID-19 or flu-related symptoms before they are sent to school.
Symptoms may include:
A | B |
Fever/Chills | Runny nose |
Cough | Muscle aches |
Sore throat/hoarse voice | Fatigue |
Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing | Pink eye (conjunctivitis) |
Loss of taste or smell | Headache |
Vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours | Skin rash of unknown cause |
| Nausea or loss of appetite |
Poor feeding (if an infant) |

If anyone has a new onset or worsening of any one symptom listed in Column A or any two or more symptoms listed in Column B (see table above), even if they are mild, immediately isolate them from others (if you have not already done so). It is recommended that they get tested for COVID-19 as soon as symptoms appear.
If a student is ill but the symptoms are not COVID related:
Students may return to school 24 hours after the symptoms have cleared. No student or staff can attend school while feeling sick.

When a household should self-isolate:
Every member of a household should self-isolate if:
1.) A member of the household displays COVID-19 symptoms per the COVID-19 Screening Questions.
Note: If an individual displaying COVID-19 symptoms who has not been exposed to COVID-19 through travel or contact with a case does not get tested for COVID-19, the entire household must self-isolate for a minimum of ten days and until the individual no longer has symptoms for 24 hours.
2.) A member of the household is waiting for their COVID-19 test results:
a. For negative COVID-19 test results, the household is no longer required to self-isolate. The individual who received the negative test result can return to school after being symptom-free for 24 hours.
b. For positive COVID-19 test results, the household is required to self-isolate. Public Health will be in contact with additional instructions.
3.) A member of the household is a close contact of a confirmed positive COVID-19 result:
a. It is recommended that close contacts go for testing at the time of notification and at 10 days after their last exposure to the COVID-19 positive case.
i. Regardless of whether the close contact tests negative, they must complete 14 days of self-isolation.
b. Household members of the close contact can end their self-isolation when the close contact tests negative, as long as the test has been done a minimum of 7 days after the exposure.
Note: If a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case does not get tested for COVID-19, the entire household must self-isolate for 14 days and until the individual no longer has symptoms for 24 hours.
4.) If a household member has travelled outside of Manitoba, 14 days of self-isolation is required for the household member.
a. If the household member is self-isolating in the household, then all members of the household must self-isolate for the 14 days.
Public Health reminds all school communities that positive COVID -19 cases are communicated to families when contact tracing is required at a school. Public Health would involve the school if the COVID-19 positive individual(s) attended school in their communicable period. Should the COVID-19 positive person(s) not attend school within 48 hours of the onset of illness or asymptomatic test date, schools are not included in public health's contact tracing and notification processes.
All students and staff are required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms every day before entering school. https://sharedhealthmb.ca/covid19/screening-tool/
Should you have any questions about COVID-19 protocols, please check https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/test-index.html or call Health Links for clarification at 204-788-8200.
We value your diligence and support in adhering to these protocols.