opposed to having parents shop for
school supplies, Phoenix School simply collects a set fee from parents for
each child to cover the cost of school
supplies (i.e. pencils, crayons, glue, notebooks, duotangs, special
crafts, classroom projects, etc.) Fees for 2022-2023 are $50.00 for Kindergarten students and $55.00 for Grade 1 to 5 students.
Purchasing supplies in
bulk provides uniformity of supplies for all children while utilizing
the most cost efficient means. This fee can be paid using the Cash Online system.
Payment for school supplies fee can be made by going online. Click Here
All students are required to supply the following personal items:
- 2 large Kleenex boxes
- Indoor Shoes for Phys-Ed class (See note below)
As well, in lieu of fundraising, the school is requesting $20.00 from each family for school fees. This fee covers additional costs such as guest presenters and other special school activities that are provided during the year. This is not affiliated with any fundraising efforts coordinated from the Parent Council.
Payment for the fundraising fee can be made by going online. Click HereA note from the Phys-Ed Department:
Running shoes, to be worn in the gym, should have non-marking soles and should not be skater shoes. Please only have laces if your child can tie his/her own shoes. Students in Grades 4 and 5 change for Phys Ed., so a gym bag with gym shorts or sweats and a T-shirt are also necessary. As well, these students are asked to have stick or roll-on deodorant in their gym bags. No spray or highly scented deodorants please as these can trigger allergic reactions