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Phoenix School
News Item

Festival du Phoenix 2018

March 13, 2018

The Festival du Phoenix was held on March 2nd.  The weather was incredible and the three outdoor activities were great fun!  The mixed grade level groups enjoyed building the ice block canoe / boat, toboggan races, snowshoes, and tug-of-war.


The bannock with jam and butter (some liked plain as well) along with the hot chocolate is always a favourite station.


Mr. and Mrs. Mikkelson picked up the Voyageur clothing and the Voyageur photo-booth was very popular.  There were other stations such as: Voyageur portaging in the gym, Voyageur music with Mrs. Sadr, a Voyageur craft with Mrs. Lauder and, of course, Voyageur stories in the library.  Everyone had a great time!  The grade 5 students were excellent leaders for their mixed grade level groups. 


The entire afternoon needed the support of the parent community.  Many parents baked bannock for the children.  Jam, butter and marshmallows were also part of the food station and these were provided by parents as well. Parent Council purchased the hot chocolate and the drinking cups. 

Thank you to all the families who brought in coloured ice blocks for the building station.  It looked beautiful and impressive for a couple of days.  It is interesting how many of the ice block formations have remained but all the colour has melted away. 

Volunteers were needed at every station to ensure every child had their fair turn within a 15 minute time slot which also included travelling to the next station.

Thank you to so many volunteers (Our apologies if we have missed anyone!):

Mrs. Adams                    Mrs. Adamyk                 Mrs. Allain                    

Ms K. Andrews              Mrs. J. Andrews             Mrs. Anurak                  

Mrs. Atamanchuk           Mrs. Blaine                    Mrs. Carriero                 

Mr. Crowe                      Mrs. Dube                      Mrs. Fritsch                   

Mrs. Genn                      Ms Gibson                      Mr. Green                      

Mrs. Green                     Mrs. Holloway                Mrs. Jensen                   

Mrs. Jones                      Mrs. Kesterke                 Mrs. Kingerski              

Mrs. Krishka                   Mrs. Kozak                    Mrs. Kroeker                 

Mrs. Kutny                     Mrs. Laycock                  Mrs. Logan                    

Ms McCarthy                 Mrs. Miele                      Mrs. Noble                    

Mrs. Rasmussen             Mrs. Sadr                       Mrs. Schaerer                

Mr. Sellors                     Mrs. Sellors                    Mrs. Shadek                  

Mrs. Smith                     Mrs. Sylvestre                Mrs. Yetman                   festival 2.jpg