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Phoenix School
News Item

Divisional Science Fair

April 11, 2019

Eight Phoenix students participated in the St. James-Assiniboia School Division Science Fair at George Waters Middle School on April 3rd.  The students did extremely well and the school is very proud of their scientific endeavours.
Phoenix School Award Summary follows:

Grade LevelProject TitleStudentAward
3"Bone Marrow – What Does It Do?"Donovan B.Gold
3"Radon Gas"Grace M.Gold
"Bar Down"Emerson A.Silver
4"Distracted Driving" Zander J.Bronze
4"Wash Your Hands"Aria L.Silver
5"Flower Power"Rowan K.Silver
5"Tone of Voice and Memory"Kate M.Bronze
5"Before You De-Ice, Think Twice"Julianna S. Gold

Congratulations to all the award winners!  Your effort, hard work and expertise are to be congratulated!
Also, a special congratulations to all the students who participated in the Phoenix School Project Fair. Your desire to learn more and to share that learning with others is a credit to your character and your adventures with learning.  Well done, everyone!

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