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St. James Collegiate
Home of the Jimmies
Grad 2025




​This year's Grad 2025 Convocation, Dinner and Safe Grad will be on Wednesday, June 25th at the Victoria Inn & Convention Centre, Wellington Ballroom, 1808 Wellington Avenue.

Convocation: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Wellington Ballroom. Grads must arrive between 9:15 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. wearing their caps and gowns in order to line up and prepare to cross the stage. 

Grads will check in at the Carlton Room and guests can line up at the entrance to the Wellington Room and wait for the doors to open. Seating for guests is first come, first served as seating is limited. There will be a live stream for those who are unable to attend.

Grad Dinner: 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the South Centennial Room. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and dinner is served at 6:00 p.m. Tickets sales and prices TBA.

The evening includes a 3-course dinner, speeches, photo opportunities, beverages (non-alcoholic only) and dancing (if time permits).

Safe Grad: 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. in the South Centennial Room. This parent-led, themed event includes dancing, beverages**, snacks and activities. School staff will not be in attendance.

Grads must purchase tickets with the option of purchasing a 2nd ticket for a guest.

A parent/guardian or another adult must pick up both grad and guest at the same time. 

**Alcoholic beverages may only be served and consumed by grads and guests who are 18+.

For more information, check out the Safe Grad Instagram account: TBA

Grad Class of 2025 Parent/Guardian Meeting

We will be hosting a Grad Class of 2025 Parent/Guardian Meeting at the school on Tuesday, Oct 1st, at 7:00 PM, in Room 205.
This meeting will be an opportunity to share important information about graduation including dates, fundraisers, and Safe Grad.
An important part of this meeting is also to establish a parent committee to plan Safe Grad, as this part of the day is not planned by staff. In order for a Safe Grad event to occur enough parents will need to commit to be a part of the planning committee. If anyone would like to chair this committee please attend the meeting on October 1st or reach out to More information about what this entails will be provided at the Parent/Guardian Meeting.
All parents/guardians of this year's graduates are encouraged to attend.
Please enter through the parking lot doors off Rutland Avenue, as all other doors will be locked. The parking lot doors will be opened at 6:30 pm for entry.

Safe Grad Parent Meeting: The first Safe Grad Parent Meeting TBA

Grad Choir: β€‹TBA

Grad Newsletter:

Grad Rehearsal: Monday, June 23rd at 10:00 a.m. in the high school gym. All students must attend. Caps and gowns will be handed out at this time.

Grad Walk: TBA

Valedictorian: Potential speeches need to be submitted for consideration TBA.

Volunteer Hours: Volunteer hours are no longer required​ in order to receive the SJASD diploma or scholarships. However, students are encouraged to continue to collect and submit hours for outside scholarships that may require volunteering.​​​​

Grad Photos & Retakes

Will take place TBA

