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Bruce Middle School
Hockey Program


canstockphoto17128454.jpgWinnipeg Jets Hockey Academy Program​


The WJHA program has two components.  The Wednesday 'school day' program begins on Wednesday October 25th, 2023​.  Students who are in this program will be called out of class and load the bus at 10:30-10:50AM.  The students will go to the Ice Plex, get dressed for the ice time at 11:30-12:30.  Following the on-ice time, students will be given lunch, (sandwich/wrap, juice and a little snack) and will be returned to the school around 1:15 for the afternoon of classes.

The Friday after school program will begin on Friday October 27th, 2023 The program will occur between 3:30 and 7:00. Dinner will be provided, there will be a lesson geared towards athletic development and psychology as well as a skate. Some weeks, our students will even attend field trips!

​ It is expected that children attend the Friday night sessions as well as the Wednesday sessions. 

                                                                 HOCKEY IS FINISHED FOR THE 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR​

We look forward to supporting our players as they learn teamwork and hockey skills!​​


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Good afternoon,

As I have mentioned previously, our WJHA students are provided with a free week at Camp Manitou each summer.  This year, the week for Heritage and Bruce is August 6-9. If those dates conflict with plans this summer, the weeks of July 22-26 or July 29 - August 2 could be booked for your child instead. PLEASE NOTE THAT TRANSPORTATION IS ONLY PROVIDED FOR BRUCE AND HERITAGE ON THE WEEK OF AUGUST 6-9.  IF YOUR CHILD ATTENDS JULY 22-26 OR JULY 29-AUGUST 2, FAMILIES WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSPORTING THEIR STUDENT TO AND FROM CAMP EACH DAY.

Please take a moment to read the attached letter. The registration link can be found in the letter and below.

Have a good night!

​Click here to learn more about the Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy.