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Westwood Collegiate
Home of the Warriors
Advanced Placement

​​​​Westwood currently offers the following Advanced Placement courses:

English EN40SL / EN42S AP (2 credits)

Chemistry CH40S / CH42S AP (2 credits)

Mathematics MA 40S / MA42S AP (2 credits)

Psychology PY40S / PY42S AP (2 credits)

Biology BI40S / BI42S AP (2 credits)

2024 AP Exam Dates:

AP CHEMISTRY - May 6 at 12:00 pm

AP PSYCHOLOGY - May 9 at 12:00 pm

AP ENGLISH - May 8 at 8:00

AP BIOLOGY - May 16 at 12:00

AP CALCULUS - May 13 - 8:00

Click here for a presentation outlining the AP program and it's benefits. β€‹β€‹

Click here​ to view the AP Transfer Credit guide for the University of Manitoba. 

Click here​​ to view the AP Transfer Credit guide for the University of Winnipeg (2023-24).

​Click here​ for the AP planning guide. This will provide a guideline for students considering AP classes to view how their course selection may look from Grades 9-12.

Please see the graphic below which summarizes the performance of the Westwood AP Bio class in 2023. This was the inaugural AP class offered at Westwood in the 2022-23 school year.

AP Bio.png 



Kevin Dueck 

AP Coordinator
