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École Assiniboine

​​​​​School Registration for 2025-2026

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Friday, February 7, 2025.  The school accepts registrations during regular office hours, Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.​​ Please contact the school if you have any questions about the programs our school offers or about student registration.

A custodial parent must register the child in person and provide the following documents:
  • Birth Certificate (Original birth certificate is required. Photocopies are not acceptable) 
  • 2 Proofs of Residency (eg. MB medical card, valid Manitoba driver’s license, signed lease agreement, signed mortgage agreement, house title, utility bill, bank statement, government issued statements, or other official documents indicating address of residence.)
  • If your child was not born in Canada, you will be required to provide citizenship papers or one of the following documents: Permanent Resident card, Record of Landing, Valid Work Permit/Visa, Valid Study Permit​

Below is a list of forms and information needed for registration:

Not certain which school is your designated catchment area school? 
  • Click here to be redirected to the School Locator system on our School Division's website.

Literacy Links 2025

Parents with children entering Kindergarten this fall are encouraged to sign up for Literacy Links, a FREE virtual summer literacy program that helps parents understand how to develop a positive literacy and numeracy environment in advance of Kindergarten.

The program runs from May 26 to August 18, 2025 and engages children in a wide variety of play-based and enriching learning experiences. During sessions, a literacy facilitator will demonstrate and provide hands-on activities that support early literacy and numeracy development, build fine motor skills, and create a strong connection between home and school. For more information, view this Literacy Links Pamphlet or visit the Literacy Links web page.

To register, download the Registration Form and email it, drop it off with your Kindergarten Registration Form at your local elementary school. Please register by May 21, 2025.​

Welcome to Kindergarten Event

Families will be invited to a Welcome to Kindergarten experience in May or June. We will provide details to families after registration.

Out-of-Catchment/Out-of-Division Requests

Important: All caregivers must first register their child in their catchment area school before submitting a request to register for an out-of-catchment SJASD school.

From time to time, caregivers may wish to register a child for a school that is out of their catchment area. This includes families that live outside Division boundaries.

While this is not always possible, and depends on available space and other considerations, if this is something your family would like to do, caregivers may submit an Out-of-Catchment/Out-of-Division application and be placed on a waitlist. SJASD will review each request on the wait list and let the family know whether the application has been accepted or denied. Please read the Parent Notice Re: Out-of-Catchment & Division Registration 2025-2026.

Please note the following:

  • You must first register your child for their catchment school prior to completing an Out-of-Catchment/Out-of-Division application.
  • SJASD will begin accepting Out-of-Catchment/Out-of-Division​ applications for the 2025-26 school year on February 14, 2025 at 8 a.m. via Application Form (will open at 8 a.m. on February 14, 2025).
  • The waitlist for the 2025–26 school year will close on May 15, 2025 at 4 p.m..
  • Requests received will be processed in the order they were submitted.
  • Families on the waitlist will be notified of the status of their request by June 13, 2025.

For Q&As on registering your child for an out-of-catchment, Early Years school, read our Guide to Early Years Out-of-Catchment Registration Brochure​.​