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John Taylor Collegiate
Home of the Pipers


Grade Level Information Presentations

Click here to view the 2024-25 John Taylor Collegiate COURSE HANDBOOK​

Click here to view registration information for the St. James-Assiniboia Hockey Academy (SJAHA)

Click here to view 2024-25 Transportation Information​

2024- 20​25 Registration Information


​​​​Student Fees

The student fees for the 2024-25 school year are $25.00. There may be additional fees based upon individual course selections. Students have the option of purchasing a yearbook for​ an additional $35.00.

Are you new to the School Division?

To register your child for school in the St.James-Assiniboia School Division, please contact the School Principal to make and appointment for registration. 
In order to register your child for school in St. James-Assiniboia, the custodial parent or legal guardian must register the child in person and provide the following documents at the time of registration:

  • Birth Certificate (original)
  • If not born in Canada:  Citizenship papers or one of the following documents: Permanent Resident card, Record of Landing, Valid Work Permit/Visa, Valid Study Permit
  • Manitoba Health card showing child & parent names
  • 2 Proofs of Residency (eg. MB medical card, valid Manitoba driver’s licence, lease agreement, house title or other official documents indicating address of residence.)

Are you in our School's Catchme​​​​​​nt Area?

Click here to access School Locator to determine whether or not your home address falls inside our school's catchment area.