This Year’s School Goals and Priorities 2023-2024
We would like to have our students be able to demonstrate increased literacy skills across all subject areas.
• Students will identify key vocabulary, particularly for EAL students.
• Students’ tenacity in their ability to decipher and decode texts read in all subject areas.
• Students will become more active readers and interact with text to construct meaning.
• Students’ ability to clearly explain answers to demonstrate their thinking and understanding will increase.
• Teachers will work on active note taking in order to help students understand written text.
• Teachers will use read aloud to model and build reading comprehension.
• Teachers will assist students in refining their response questions to better assess reading comprehension.
• Teachers will continue to assign research assignments that include opportunities for learning formatting skills.
• Teachers will include a variety of audio/visual resources in class to expose students to various perspectives.
• Students will increase in their ability to analyze and assess the reliability of sources.
• The library will have a grade and level-based reading list that supports scaffolding and book selection to adapt to
diverse student needs.
• Student writing will be strengthened through reading and writing a variety of diverse types of texts.
We would like our students to be able to demonstrate increased numeracy skills across all subject areas.
• Students will increase their proficiency in critical thinking skills and mental math strategies.
• Students will be able to have formal and informal discussions regarding data collection and interpretation.
• Teachers will create activities that involve measuring, fractions, and math in real-life scenarios in all subjects.
• Teachers will continue to explore ways to provide projects and situations in which students can use their critical thinking skills in all subject areas.
New this school year at Sturgeon Heights is the role out of the first AP (Advanced Placement) course, Physics. This is an exciting start for students to get their first look at an Advanced Placement course, followed by Advanced Placement Biology, Chemistry and Math next school year, 2023-2024.
Science field trips at the school are underway this Fall, 2023. They offer exciting opportunities for students to build on classroom instruction, better understand topics, and expose them to real-world learning. Sturgeon Heights has been fortunate enough to bring students to St. Boniface Research Centre, Bruce Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Center and the Winnipeg Zoo.
We would like to have our staff promote and celebrate ALL student achievements.
Staff will celebrate student achievement no matter how small. All students will be celebrated in terms of their own personal growth. School initiatives that support the community will be explored. Our school’s accomplishments will be shared with our parent community and community in general in as many ways as possible. Using our soon to be updated website as well as the school’s Instagram account and department based supportive Instagram accounts, we would like to make sure that our parent community is aware of all the various success of our students in the many areas of the school such as, academics, athletics, arts, and music, as well as our tremendously successful vocational programs.
We would like all of our students to become involved in at least one activity that takes place outside of the classroom.
We are encouraging all staff to find one activity that they are enthusiastic about and to attempt to promote it so that there is something for all students at our school to belong to. Along with the mainstream activities we would like to incorporate some not so mainstream activities that allow for those students who have not been engaged in an extra-curricular activity to date, to become a student who does have something at the school to join and belong to.
We look forward to having our students perform for the public in as many ways as possible this year.
Students have missed the opportunity to perform, and we think that performance is a very important part of what we do to celebrate what we have leaned and are able to accomplish.
We look forward to performances this year including Choral fest, the Winnipeg Music Festival, the Brandon Jazz Festival, Optimist Festival, the annual Big Band Dance, and other school concerts throughout the year. We hope to have drama and visual art presented at a school concert and we are excited about a new display case for outside the choir room that will allow us to highlight student accomplishments. We are also looking forward to our Musical involving grades 9 - 12 students, which is planned for June of 2024.