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St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
Board Office
Scholarship Foundation

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St. James Scholarship Foundation is a registered charity that was formed in 1938 for the purpose of giving encouragement to and awards for outstanding merit, scholarship and character development. Students in St. James-Assiniboia School Division are eligible for foundation scholarship awards. Approximately $15,000 in bursaries and awards is disbursed to deserving students each year. All donations are tax deductible and donors will receive a tax receipt. 

The importance of providing support to deserving students has increased in recent years as tuition and supplies costs steadily increase. The constant goal of the foundation has been to provide an adequate and meaningful scale of award to help address these costs. 

The St. James Scholarship Foundation asks for your help to meet these challenges and encourages donors, individuals and organizations alike, to consider us in their annual charitable giving. 

Contact Us

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St. James Scholarship Foundation,
2574 Portage Avenue, 
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3J 0H8

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For further information, please contact Monika Kananowicz, Accounting Manager at 204-888-7951