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St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
Board Office
Cold Weather Policy

Weather Related and Other Emergencies
It is the intent of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division to provide educational services to children In the Division on  every regularly authorized school day if possible. In the event of emergencies or extreme circumstances, the Chief Superintendent may decide to close all or specific schools and/or discontinue bus service in whole or in part due to severe weather or snowstorms, adverse road conditions and/or other emergencies, if it is in the best interest of the children that such action be taken.  

A. School Closure 
In the event of extremely adverse circumstances, including severe storm  days, the Chief Superintendent may decide to close all or specific schools. The Chief Superintendent shall arrange for publication of the information as early as possible in accordance with the Metro Superintendents Snowstorm protocol as outlined in the division's Emergency Procedures  Handbook.  The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board will be asked to notify fellow  trustees of the decision to close schools and the Chief Superintendent  shall arrange for immediate notification of the Transportation Supervisor  and principals of schools. Principals  shall, in turn, endeavour to notify  their staff members accordingly.   Division Administration shall follow  procedures in the division's Emergency Procedures Handbook for   informing other division staff members. The Transportation Supervisor will be responsible for informing Division  bus drivers of the decision as well as managers of contracted services. In the event of closure of schools, in accordance with Manitoba Education requirements, a letter shall be prepared  for signature by the Chair of the  Board and forwarded to the Minister of Education, advising of the emergency and requesting authorization of the days closed for grant purposes.

B. School Bus Cancellation
The following is an outline of procedures for discontinuing bus service  during adverse weather conditions including extremely cold weather, or  other emergencies when buses are unable to be operated. The safety of students will be the primary consideration in cancelling bus transportation.

1. Criteria for Consideration
The Chief Superintendent will consider the following criteria when  considering School Bus Cancellation:

Extremely Cold Weather
An ambient temperature of -35 C or -45 C wind chill or greater will dictate cancellation of school buses within the division.  ​

Hazardous Weather/Road Conditions

Blizzard warnings
Ice-covered roads and/or snow-blocked roads. Any other weather condition that may put students at risk. 

Other Emergencies
Should any other emergency arise, the Chief Superintendent will determine if bus transportation should be cancelled.

2. Individual Route Cancellations
The bus driver has the authority to cancel bussing on a particular route due to unsafe road conditions or any condition that puts the safety of the students at risk. The bus driver will inform the Transportation Supervisor immediately of any such cancellation.

3. Procedures for Bus Cancellation 
a. Weather Related Cancellations:

i) The Transportation Supervisor consults Environment Canada for a  report on weather conditions.
ii) The Transportation Supervisor contacts the Chief Superintendent and a decision will be made based upon relevant information. An attempt will be made to make a decision to cancel bussing before 0630 hours.
iii) The Superintendent will contact designated radio stations and  inform them of the cancellation of bus transportation for the division. All parents, students and staff should be notified in this  manner before 0700 hours.

b. Other Emergencies: 
The Transportation Supervisor will follow the notification procedures as outlined for weather related cancellations.

c. Individual Route Cancellations
The bus driver will advise the Transportation Supervisor of the situation. In the event the route is cancelled, the Transportation Supervisor will ensure tha all parents/guardians on the route are notified of the cancellation. The Transportation Supervisor will notify the affected schools.

d. Reporting and Follow Up
The Transportation Supervisor will submit a report to the Chief  Superintendent when bus transportation is cancelled.

Contact Us

2574 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3J 0H8 204-888-7951 204-831-0859
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Summer Break Office Hours (Jul. 2 to Aug. 9): 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (M to Th), 8: a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (F)