For home use password information, please check the Division staff portal, Media Centre tile, or ask your school librarian.
Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning, Inclusion Support Branch Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning has acquired several new online resources that are now accessible to K-12 educators and students at school and at home through the Online Resources for Manitoba Educators (ORME) website. These resources offer Manitoba K-12 curriculum-relevant articles, videos, images, audio clips, primary sources and more, with an emphasis on Canadian content and Indigenous themes.
New online resources for teacher and students in the Français, French Immersion programs as well as teachers and students taking French courses in the English program are available at DREF - Ressources éducatives | Éducation et Apprentissage de la petite enfance Manitoba ( All DREF resources are carefully selected for their relevance to the provincial curriculum, their representation of Indigenous perspectives, diversity, and the Manitoba and Canadian Francophonie. This website includes instructions for accessing from home as well as school. It also includes webinars, tutorials and guides for the resources 
| Britannica School Offers at three levels (elementary, middle and high) thousands of up-to-date, curated, and curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools and recommended Web sites.

| Britannica ImageQuest Brings lessons, assignments, and projects to life with over three million images from 60 leading collections.
| CanCore A video collection of 100% Canadian-produced educational titles and segments. This extensive library of quality Canadian videos is correlated to provincial and territorial K-12 curricula, with new content added regularly and designed specifically for teachers and students. | 
Criterion on demand Provides access to educationally relevant feature films used in Canadian K-12 and Post-Secondary institutions.
| CBC curio (English and French) Use Curio to explore CBC/Radio-Canada, BBC and National Geographic content that has been carefully selected for its educational value and relevance to K-12 subject areas. Includes CBC's current event series: News In Review. | 
| Gale in Context: Canada Allows research on a broad range of Canadian topics, people, places, and events. Focused on a Canadian perspective, this user-friendly portal provides full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites. |
Follett Destiny is the St. James-Assiniboia School Division's web-based library catalog accessible from any device connected to the Internet. Please use this link to search the Follett Destiny catalogue for any of our school libraries.
Videostreaming Resources | | |

| Learn360 is a video streaming resource for GRADES K-12.
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Access Learning provides video streaming to educational programs including Bill Nye. No Password needed.
GRADES 3-12. |
CanCore offers video streaming especially for the Canadian Education market ; curriculum correlations are included. No password needed. ALL GRADES
| Campus offers NFB educational resources including films, interactive productions and teaching tools. No password needed. GRADES 3-12. |
Reference Resources The University of Manitoba has launched "Our World" the Manitoba Research Gateway where you can access Gale Primary sources of digitized historical content for free. No password needed.
 | | Literary Reference Center is a full-text database providing a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. GRADES 9-12 |
| Digital content on 175 countries including their culture, customs, food, language and more.
Contains more than 150 topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument), and counterpoint (opposing argument).
GRADES 6-12.
| |
Ebsco is a research database accessing thousands of articles, videos and images. Password needed.
GRADES 6-12. |
An animated picture book collection for online reading.
| An online research tool that includes encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, video and educator tools. Include Kids, Student, Advanced and L'Encyclopédie Découverte products.
Access to Overdrive/Sora audiobooks for all SJASD schools. Please contact Debbie Smith for account set up.
TeenBookCloud - is an online collection of ebooks, enhanced novels, graphic novels, videos, and audiobooks. Access for all Division Schools. Grades 6 to 12.
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French Language Resources

Tumblebooks collection of French ebooks
World Book Encyclopedia
Campus video streaming French language content. |
Repère is a French language database accessing journal articles.