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St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
Board Office
Parenting Today

In January, 2020, the social work discipline of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division conducted an on-line survey of parents with children attending schools within the division. This was done to determine parents' priority of topics of interest and the preferred way of gaining access to this information. The goal of this survey was to improve service delivery and be responsive to the needs of our school community.

There were 530 responses to the survey and because respondents could select more than one choice, the two overwhelming topics of interest were related to Mental Health (Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, ODD and Self-Harm) and Social Media/Technology.

The most favourable method by which respondents wished to access information was through an online site with links to appropriate resources. As a result we have created this list of resources in the community and their website links.​

Community Resources

Access Winnipeg West (204-940-2040)

Access Winnipeg West offers a range of medical, social and mental health services, including a Teen Clinic on Thursdays starting at 4:00 pm. Located at 300 Booth Drive.


Rainbow Resource Centre (204-474-0212)

A non-profit organization that serves the LGBT2SQ+ community in Manitoba and North Western Ontario. Our mission is to provide support, education, and resources to foster a proud, resilient, and diverse LGBT2SQ+ community.


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (204-988-9200)

Offers individual and group mentoring to youth.


Klinic Community Health (204-784-4090)

Klinic Community Health provides a full range of health-related services from medical care to counselling and education.


Triple P

Healthy Child Manitoba offers Triple P to help parents learn effective ways to deal with the challenges of raising healthy, happy children. Also great information on how to talk to children about the Coronavirus. To speak with a Triple P counsellor contact 204-945-4777 or toll-free at 1-877-945-4777.

Jordan's Principle

 A resource for First Nations families that ensures access to social, educational and medical programs.


Manitoba Advocate (204-988-7440)

The Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY) is here to make sure the voices of young people are heard. We make sure their rights are respected and that they have a say in decisions that affect their lives. We advocate, investigate, and review public services in Manitoba to ensure they are meeting the needs of children, youth, and young adults.


Winnipeg Harvest (204-982-3663)

Winnipeg Harvest is a not-for-profit, community based organization that is a food distribution & training centre. Our goals are to collect and share surplus food with people who are hungry and to offer training opportunities to help people step up and out of poverty.


Youville Community Health Center (204-255-4840)

Free short-term (up to 8 sessions) individual counselling are available for men and woman (age 14 years+).  Also runs a teen health clinic.​

Woman's Health Clinic (204-947-1517)

Free individual counselling is available for female youth (ages 12-19 years) on any issue. Referrals can be made by anyone, including self referrals.  Offer free nutrition counselling by appointment as well.  Drop in counselling appointments are also available.  Provides information and support to adolescent youth as it pertains to health related issues.


Counselling Services


New Directions – For Children, Youth, Adults & Families (204-786-7051)

Services include counselling, assessment, support and prevention programs.


Family Dynamics (204-947-1401)

Family Dynamics offers Counselling on a sliding scale for fees, family supports for Refugees, In-Home family support and a parent coach program. Contact 204-947-1401.


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Institute of Manitoba (204-982-3810)

Offers CBT based therapy.


Clinic Psychology Manitoba  (204-615-1579)

Offers Cognitive Behaviour therapy and evidence-based psychological services.


Jewish Child and Family Services (204-477-7430)

Individual counselling, family therapy, and play-based therapy for children and youth (ages 3+).  Open to all faiths and cultural groups.  Sliding fee scale based on income.


Men's Resource Centre (204-415-6797 ext 250)

Free drop-in, short-term (up to eight sessions) and long-term (up to one year) counselling for men ages 16+ (participants must attend drop-in counselling first to access longer-term counselling).  They also provide occasional group counselling (may not be appropriate for younger men).  Have drop in counselling available as well.


Winnipeg Military Family Resource Center (204-833-2500  ext 4500)


Free short-term individual and family counselling is available for youth who have a family member in the military. Provides several community programs and supports for children and families.



Macdonald Youth Services (204-477-1722)

Has a 24 hour Youth Crisis Services- Mobile Crisis Unit- 204-949-4777 and a Youth  Crisis Stabilization Unit.  Provides a 24 Hour Youth Shelter and Resource Center (204-477-1804).  Youth mental health and addictions support (204-452-0551). Provides extensive programming available to help support youth in the community.  Indigenous programming available.



Aulnea Renewal Center (204-987-7090)


Provides family therapy where Parents/Caregivers expected to be involved.  Parents, Teachers, Social Workers or Health Care Professionals can refer children and youth for free counselling on separation/divorce, anger/behaviours issues, abuse/trauma and anxiety


Social Media

Resource for teens and parents who are experiencing issues around cyberbullying and/or harassment and other risks with social media.


Attendance and School Issues

Youth Education Services

Working in partnership with families and community schools, the Marymound Youth Education Service (YES) Program provides immediate, short-term help to students and families. The YES Program is part of the Youth Crisis Stabilization System and can be accessed by calling 204-949-4777.


SJASD Attendance Policy -


Substance Use and Addictions

Family Navigator Program

Connecting Manitoba youth & families to the mental health & addiction supports. MYS Family Navigators guide youth 13 - 24 & their families through a network of mental health & addiction supports & services in Manitoba.

An MYS Family Navigator will:

  • Help families identify & connect with the right help for your needs & situation
  • Follow-up with families within one week of your first contact with supports & services
  • Continue to support families throughout their journey (including a three-month follow-up to reassess goals & progress)


Youth Addictions Stabilization Unit

YASU is a short-term program to support families with a child 17 years of age and under who has an addiction to alcohol or other drugs. While in the facility, the effects of the substances can begin to wear off while youth are supported and encouraged to enter voluntary treatment. Stabilization services are provided by an interdisciplinary team of youth care and nursing staff. The goal is to support the young person to physically withdraw from the substance(s) he/she is using and to explore treatment options available in the community. The program provides support to families from diverse backgrounds and neighbourhoods across Winnipeg and Manitoba. To access this program, please call 1-877-710-3999.

Voluntary Program
 With the recent opening of the Voluntary Program, youth ages 12-17 can request help voluntarily by calling the Centralized Intake Youth Addictions Service (1-877-710-3999).


Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission

Information on drug use, how to talk to your teen about drug use and anger issues


Website resources for parents around drug/alcohol use


Mental Health

Resources and tools to help manage stressful life events, mental health programs, relationship issues and more.


Kids Health-Information on emotional, physical, family and school issues for both parents and teens.


ADHD Resource for Parents and Care providers


Information on teen sexual health and relationships


Headspace (information on Mindfulness and an APP)


Information on mental health, coping with stress and getting help


ADAM Anxiety Disorder Association of Manitoba (Childhood Anxiety Videos)


Anxiety Canada-Expert tools and resources for Canadians to Manage Anxiety


MATC- Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre

MATC provides a range of mental health services to children and adolescents who experience psychiatric and/or emotional disorders. A full continuum of programs and services, both community and hospital based, are available to children, adolescents and their families. Services range from brief interventions to intensive long-term treatment. Treatment is provided from a variety of perspectives and is delivered in partnership with parents and collateral agencies.



Kidthink is a mental health treatment centre and outreach program that focuses on improving the mental health and well being for children aged 12 and under in Manitoba. Kidthink offers services around ADHD, depression, behavioural and earning issues. Contact 431-388-5373.



Honouring Life (Source of Indigenous Youth Suicide Prevention Resources)


Suicide Intervention Website


Crisis Lines

Youth Mobile Crisis Unit       204-949-4777

Manitoba Suicide line           1-877-435-7170

Klinic Crisis Line                      204-786-8686 or 1-888-322-3019

Kids Help Phone                     1-800-668-6868 or text 686868 or visit website