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St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
Board Office
Newcomer and EAL Program

​St. James-Assiniboia welcomes a growing number of newcomer students as well as students whose families speak a language other than English at home. Our division is inclusive of the rich mosaic in our community and welcomes the diversity in our schools.​

English as an Additional Language

Our schools respond to the learning needs of children who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) or dialect through EAL programming which supports success in school by developing:​

  • Vocabulary
  • Language skills
  • Inter-cultural understanding
  • Learning strategies

When parents register their child in St. James-Assiniboia schools, they can expect that we will assess each student and provide instructional supports based on their individual needs.​

Newcomer Family Reception

If your family has recently arrived in Canada (within the past six months), please follow these steps to register your child at school:

  1. Call the school in your catchment area (search school finder by clicking here).
  2. Please take your immigration documents to the school.
  3. Fill out a registration form and return it to the school.
  4. Inquire about an EAL language plan.

Community Services

In addition to supporting students in schools, we connect students and families to community supports. We provide referrals to Neighborhood Settlement Worker programming and other community services.



For more information on EAL programs and services and Newcomer Family Reception, contact:

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Manuel Gomes
Administrator of Diversity and Equity
Phone: 204-837-5886 Ext. 2145