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St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Great Schools for Growing and Learning
Board Office
Strategic Plan

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​StratPlanTitle-01.pngEvery five years, SJASD develops a new strategic plan to help formalize key priorities for teaching and learning. ​

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, SJASD’s previous strategic plan was extended by two years. SJASD’s new strategic plan for 2023-2027 was developed through a year-long process led by our Board of Trustees. It is informed by and reflects the needs expressed in the community. It is also aligned with our own data and the priorities set out by Manitoba Education. The final plan sets a path for the holistic growth of our students while bolstering our commitment to safe, caring and inclusive schools.

We thank the community for their feedback, including staff, students, our Indigenous Advisory Council, and the input of approximately 157 parents, caregivers and community members.​

This shared vision for the future cannot be accomplished by one person. It will take the entire SJASD community working together to bring this Strategic Plan to life.  

Mission and Vision


We are a leading and innovative learning community that will enable students to succeed as life-long learners in an ever-changing world.


We aim to provide a meaningful, inclusive, and caring educational environment so that students are prepared to be responsible citizens in a democratic society.

Focus Areas and Priorities 

The Strategic Plan has been developed through analysis, dialogue, and collaboration. It contains five Focus Areas each with three Priorities.

These will:

  • Focus direction and action in areas that will make a difference for students, parents, staff, and communities, 
  • Support Continuous Improvement planning to shape system goals and metrics for success, 
  • Frame the reporting of results to students, parents, communities, and other partners, 
  • Support the Division with the allocation of resources in a fiscally responsible manner, and 
  • Promote and support community partnerships. 

The Strategic Plan is a living document and must be responsive to factors that may change in our educational, political, and financial environment. We are committed to renewing our focus each year to ensure our direction and planning are serving our school communities.

The Story of Each Focus Area​


SJASD’s five focu​​s areas are represented by a journey, with distinct but interwoven components. 

The image for Success for Each Learner acknowledges that our learner has mountains to climb and valleys to navigate as they grow and develop. They need a guide, tools, resources, and preparations for their journey.

Ma Mawi Anokiitaw Miinawaa (We Will Work Together Again) is represented by an image reminding us that the Indigenous experience is etched into the landscape of our learning environments. Learners will experience teachings from Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and other Indigenous peoples so they can live in a Good Way, walking with respect and taking care of themselves, others, the land, and the water. 

The Mental Health and Wellbeing image represents how our minds flow like water and air, always seeking balance in an ever-changing world. Our learners will be supported through intentional programming, so they are feeling calm, connected, and open to learning each day. 

The image of a healthy forest portrays the Focus Area of Supporting and Celebrating our Students. The forest is composed of many different plants and animals, with rich diversity within and between species. Similarly, our students and families will be celebrated and nurtured for their unique perspectives, contributions, and gifts.

Family and Community Connections will be prioritized through regular communication between school and home, and opportunities for active participation and involvement in school life. This image recognizes that family is like a hearth, providing rest, shelter, and reflection for learners on the day that was, and the day ahead. 

A Deep Dive into Focus Areas and Priorities



W​e recognize the importance of each child and their own unique learning needs. Programming and opportunities need to be engaging and relevant to the student. Success is a broad term, and it means different things to different students. At the end of their education journey, we want students to have a sense of dignity, courage, and capability in addition to feeling that they have the skills and abilities to lead them to a future of possibilities. We believe that a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy is critical for future success. 


  • Relevant and meaningful literacy and numeracy instruction across the curriculum.
  • Equitable and inclusive academic, social, and emotional programming for learners. 
  • The development of lifelong skills: Citizenship, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Connection to Self, Collaboration, and Communication.



We believe in creating safe and inclusive environments that are not only representative of Indigenous cultures, languages, and histories, but also demonstrate the commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. It is a priority to build partnerships that recognize the importance of Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and other Indigenous peoples playing a prominent role in the teachings that we bring to schools.


  • Culturally safe environments where Indigenous students, families, and community feel welcomed and connected.
  • Authentic learning opportunities with students and staff to learn and value Indigenous cultures, languages, knowledges, and true history.
  • Holistic growth for living in a Good Way.*

*A Good Way is a way to live your whole life day to day. It is respecting others, being mindful of the guidance we are given, taking care of yourself, others, the land and water. It means walking with respect and humility, learning and listening so we are doing good for ourselves, our families and our community. (Source: Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Initiative Advisory Council, Manitoba Education). 



There is a growing need to support the mental health and well-being of all students and staff. The first step in this journey is reaffirming the necessity that our schools are inclusive, represent the diversity of our community, and continuously model a culture of care. Our programming includes intentional strategies to promote strong personal mental and physical health to build resilience. Throughout these priorities, there is a constant thread of connections, partnerships, and a focus on relationships which will strengthen our sense of well-being as a healthy community.


  • Positive mental health for students through defined learning and proactive programming.
  • Strong connections that nourish the well-being of students, staff, and families.
  • Culture and climate of inclusivity in all schools.


Our schools are welcoming, caring, and safe for all children, staff, and families. Students are supported and their successes are continuously celebrated.

Opportunities allow for students to explore their own individual areas of passion and interest to promote engagement and learning. Our Division is comprised of staff and students from diverse communities and we are committed to honouring and celebrating all of our diversity, visible or invisible.


Diverse programming and learning experiences which enable students to grow and explore their interests.
School environments that represent the diversity of our community.
Celebration of student success in reaching their personal learning goals.



Effective communication is essential in supporting and connecting students and families to schools. Communication references a series of ongoing and connected interactions throughout a student’s school year and their educational journey.

Parents and caregivers actively participate and feel involved in school experiences with their children. Community partners create a network of support that enriches the learning for all children.


  • Ongoing communication and collaboration with families and caregivers.
  • Family and caregiver participation in the school lives of their children. 
  • Relationships with community partners.

Additional Resources

Download a one-page copy of our Strategic Plan.

Watch our explanatory video: