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Bruce Middle School
News Archive

Healthy Hunger- March 13th

February 07, 2025

Hello Families, Our next Healthy Hunger Lunch will take place on Thursday March 13th, 2025 with  Opa of Greece !  The deadline to place an order online is Saturday March 8th.  The deadline cannot be extended and no changes can be made after that date. If you created an account for...

Please Respect Our Staff

February 07, 2025

BMS - Important Follow up Info

February 05, 2025

Bruce Middle School Parents/Caregivers, We are providing an update regarding the fire incident at Bruce Middle School earlier today. The cleanup is now complete, and the Fire Inspector has confirmed that air quality in the school is clear. The incident has been determined to be an accident. School will...

BMS News- January 31st, 2025

February 03, 2025

Happy Friday!  Here's hoping our Bear cubs are enjoying their day off, despite the chilly temperature today.  We sure enjoyed celebrating their many successes at our assembly yesterday. Today our staff has had an excellent day of Treaty Education learning and planning, alongside all of our SJASD Middle Years...

BMS News- January 10th, 2025

January 14, 2025

Happy New Year to everyone! We are excited to see our students back at school where we've had a busy week with all things up and running. Basketball, musical rehearsal and winter concert preparations are keeping students busy. Yesterday Mrs.Yard and Jill, along with some of our Sources of...

BMS NEWS- January 7th, 2025

January 07, 2025

​ Parents / Guardians, We hope our “Bear Families” had a wonderful winter break!  Starting later this week, all Phys Ed classes will be starting Cross-Country Skiing (weather permitting).  Students should be wearing / bringing proper outdoor clothing (toque, mitts, jacket, boots, ski-pants) to be worn for cross-country skiing...

A Message of Thanks & Season's Greetings from the Board of Trustees

December 20, 2024
​ On behalf of the Board of Trustees I would like to thank staff, students, families, and our community for another year of student success. Our schools are great places for growing and learning because of you!​
The holiday season is meant to be filled with connection and celebration. Amidst the...

Spirit Week December 16th- 20th

December 12, 2024

Healthy Hunger- Edo Japan Jan 30th

December 05, 2024

Hello Families, Our next Healthy Hunger Lunch will take place on January 30th, 2025 with  Edo Japan !  The deadline to place an order online is January 25th.  The deadline cannot be extended and no changes can be made after that date. If you created an account for the October...

BMS News- November 25th, 2024

December 02, 2024

News From The Office   We will be holding our Holiday Sale  Dec 16 - 19, 2024.  This event was started over 10 years ago to ensure all students would be able to buy a special holiday gift for members of their family at a very reasonable cost (most...

Purchase Seat Bus Link

December 02, 2024

Hello Families, Transportation has advised us that we have a few purchase bus seats available on our  morning bus only , for families who were wanting to purchase a seat. Purchase bus seats are $35.00/month for 1 way.  Payments are due prior to the 1st of each month.  The form will open...

BMS News- November 15th, 2024

November 19, 2024

Happy Friday Bears and Cubs! As I didn't get a memo out last week, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who volunteered,  stopped by, shopped or otherwise supported our Annual Winter Craft Sale last weekend. It was a highly successful event with proceeds delegated toward the purchase...

Next Pizza Day is...

November 05, 2024

Hello Families, This is just a reminder that we will  not  be having a Pizza Friday this week!  Our next Pizza Friday will be Friday November 22nd.  Bruce Office​

BMS News- November 1st, 2024

November 04, 2024

Happy November Bear Families! Today was a fantastic end to a fun-filled week with our first BLAST of the year.  The Polar Bears are currently in first place with the Brown and Black Bears tied for second and the Grizzlies taking up the rear, the final standing only marginal...

Remembrance Day Service

November 01, 2024

Remembrance Day Service @9:15 AM November 7th, 2024.  Parents, guardians and all members of our community are welcome to attend.  All monetary donations will be given to Veterans Affairs. ​

Pizza Fundraiser - Orders due Friday Nov 1st

October 31, 2024

Dear Bears, As part of an Annual Family of Schools Drive, Bruce is again participating in a Pizza Day where all proceeds will go directly to support families in our community with hampers during the holiday season.  Due to the generosity and partnership with local business, we are able...

BMS News- October 26th

October 29, 2024

Happy Weekend Bruce Families!   My apologies for not sending a memo last week.  We have had busy times at Bruce lately with much to celebrate! On October 17th our  Grade 6 students had a spectacular time at camp . They were highly engaged in all the activities that...

Healthy Hunger- Pita Pit November 14th

October 24, 2024

Hello Families, Our October subway lunch was a great success and we are very excited about our November fun lunch with  Pita Pit ! Our Pita Pit fun lunch will take place on November 14 th  The deadline to place an order online is November 9 th .  The...

BMS News- October 16th

October 16, 2024

Welcome back from the EXTRA-Long Weekend Bruce Bears and Families!   We have definitely noticed the drop in temperatures recently.  Please make sure all students are dressing for the weather. And speaking of the weather, we invite our students to participate in our  Divisional Sock-Tober and Mittens for Mitch...

BMS News- October 7th

October 08, 2024

Happy Monday Bruce Families,   This week there are a few important items to bring to your attention.  A reminder to please make sure students are bringing appropriate outdoor clothing for the lunch break as the temperatures are beginning to drop significantly.    Please see below and don't hesitate...

Dyslexia Awareness Evening- Oct 28th

October 08, 2024

Parents! There is a Dyslexia Awareness Evening taking place on October 28th at Jameswood School (1 Braintree Cres) from 5:00PM- 7:00PM. Children are welcome! Please RSVP if you are interested in attending: ​

Healthy Hunger- Subway October 24th

October 01, 2024

Hello Families, Our first fun lunch will take place on October 24 th  and we will order with Subway to kick things off!  The deadline to place an order online is October 18 th .  The deadline cannot be extended and no changes can be made after that date....

BMS News- September 27th

October 01, 2024

Happy Friday Bruce Bears and Families! As you may know, this week we spent time in class learning about the truth of Indigenous history, honouring residential school survivors and working toward reconciliation as a community.  On September 30th, throughout Canada, we recognize the harms of the past and present,...

BMS NEWS- September 13th, 2024

September 16, 2024

Good afternoon Bruce Families, please see below for some important information. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend after a hard-working, first full week of school!    Student Safety   during drop-off and pick up:  Important - We have noticed a few concerning close calls with students who have been dropped...

September 13- Letter to SJASD caregivers

September 13, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please see the attached information regarding the serious motor vehicle collision that occurred this morning. Letter to SJASD Parents Creating Supportive Environments Talking to Children​

Bruce Office


Vision Clinic at Bruce September 23rd - OPTIONAL

September 11, 2024

Good afternoon Bruce Families, This year we have partnered with a mobile clinic to assess student vision. This clinic is completely optional for families.   If you wish to have your child assessed, please carefully read all of the information attached and return the consent forms prior to September 19th.   If you...

Terry Fox Run

September 11, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians: Mr. Weber is looking for parents to help supervise the the Terry Fox Run route through Woodhaven on September 25th.  You would be volunteering from approximately 11:00 am to 12:25 pm.  Please contact him at if you can help.   Thank you
Terry Fox Run Permission Form​

Cellphone Policy

September 04, 2024

​ Goodmorning, Please see the attached letter outlining the new policy for the use of cell phones at school.​
​​Cell Phone Letter - Provincial Mandate Sept 2024​

Our Parent/ Student Handbook states:


BMS News- August 30th, 2024

September 04, 2024

Hello Bruce students and families, and welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We hope you have had a great summer and that everyone is excited about the upcoming school year. Myself, Stacy Kent, and Mr. Norm Gould are excited to be working with the excellent team of Bruce Middle...

Next SJASD In-Person School Board Meeting is September 3, 2024 at 7 p.m.

August 29, 2024
​ Trustees will hold their next in-person, public school board meeting on  September 3, 2024 at 7 p.m. at 2574 Portage Avenue. Meetings during the school year take place on a monthly basis. Previously, meetings were held on a bi-weekly basis. The Board Meeting will also be broadcasted live at the  St. James-Assiniboia School Division - YouTube  account for...

BBQ June 24th

June 20, 2024

Hello Bruce Families, Just a reminder that this Friday will be the last pizza day for the school year. Pizza slices are $2.50 per slice and pop drinks are $1. Orders are due tomorrow in homerooms. On Monday, we will be having a school-wide BBQ with hotdogs (pork, veggie...

Bruce News- June 16th

June 20, 2024

Hello Bruce Families! Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, we hope this day is amazing for you and your family. This will be the final week for ticket sales to the Grade 8 Farewell Dance on June 25. Tickets can be purchased in the office at...

Bruce News- June 8th

June 10, 2024

Hello Bruce Families! We hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Finally, some good weather coming our way, which we will need with field trips coming up. This Monday, 20 students will be going to the Blumberg golf course to receive an introduction to the sport of golf with...

Healthy Hunger- Edo Japan June 7th

May 15, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, We will be having another school fun lunch on  Friday, June 7th  - th​is time from Edo Japan. Orders can be placed through and paid online.  If any families prefer to pay by cash, please contact the office to request a paper form. The order will close on June 1st.​...

SJASD Wheel Challenge 2024

May 15, 2024
​ ​ Hey SJASD FAMILIES! The SJASD ‘Wheel’ Challenge. Students can win a Bike!    The SJASD “Wheel Challenge” will take place from  May 21 to June 10, 2024 . It is a chance to celebrate and encourage students to “wheel” on a regular basis.  So, roller-skate, roller-blade, bike, scooter, use...

BMS Changes 2024-2025

May 09, 2024

Dear Bruce Families, It is with great sadness that we share with you that Mr. MacNeil and Mrs. Cantafio have both been appointed to new schools for September 2024. Leaving behind such a vibrant and supportive community will not be easy. Over our time here at Bruce, we both...

Bruce News- May 7th, 2024

May 08, 2024

Hello Bruce Families! We hope you are doing well and enjoying the warmer (though currently wetter) weather. Our spring musical “Willy Wonka Jr.” has a few tickets left for Wednesday and Friday’s 7pm performances, though they are going fast. Tickets are available in the office $10 each. Today we...

Permission Form - Best Bike Program

May 03, 2024

Parents/Guardians Permission forms for the Best Bike Program that will begin on May 9th and run through to May28th have been sent home with all students and need to be returned to the school as soon as possible.  All students will be participating in this program during the school...

Bruce News- April 21st, 2024

April 22, 2024

Hello Parents and Guardians, Go Jets Go! To show our pride and support for our NHL team throughout the playoffs, we encourage everyone to wear white for each game the Jets play. The next game is scheduled for Tuesday. On Monday and to recognize Earth day, the entire school...

Measles & Meningitis Vaccine Clinic

April 15, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please see the attached memo from Public Health for an upcoming Measles & Meningitis Vaccine Clinic at Access West on May 3rd, 2024: Please check your child’s immunization records for the Measles vaccine. If your child has been immunized in another province or country and you...

Staying Well Virtual Workshop- April 23rd

April 09, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, The SJASD Educational Support Services is hosting a Virtual Workshop, please see the below information: Staying Well Virtual Workshop: How to Support Your Child with ADHD Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Time: 6:15-7:15 Presenters: Maria Phelps, Kristy Wake, Tracey Eagle, & Potoula Locken Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder...

April 8th Solar Eclipse

April 05, 2024

Hello Bruce Families,     A total solar eclipse is set to occur on Monday, April 8, 2024, between approximately noon and 3:00 pm Central Standard Time, spanning from Southern Ontario to Newfoundland and Labrador, with the rest of Canada experiencing a partial eclipse. Manitoba will experience an approximate 50...

SJASD Pride Shirts

April 03, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, The SJASD has created SJASD Pride Shirts and they are on sale online from April 1 st - 12 th , 2024.  If you would like to order please visit or scan the QR Code.  The password to access the links are:  SJASD ​

Craft Sale April 27th, 2024

April 01, 2024

Healthy Hunger- Subway Lunch

March 21, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, We will be having another school fun lunch on  Friday, April 26th  - th​is time from Subway. Orders can be placed through and paid online.  If any families prefer to pay by cash, please contact the office to request a paper form. The order will close on April 20th. Ordering...

Information Evening 2024-2025

March 12, 2024
​ ​

All new students for the 2024-2025 School Year are invited to join us at Bruce Middle School for an Information Evening Wednesday, April 17th from 6PM-7PM.​

Students Explore Career Options at Industry Fair

March 06, 2024
​ Hundreds of students from St. James Collegiate Institute, Jameswood Alternative School and Bruce Middle School wove through industry booths to explore career possibilities on Thursday, February 29, 2024 as part of SJASD's inaugural travelling Industry Career Fair.
The fair visits other SJASD high schools throughout March and features approximately 38...

Royal City Soccer Club Info

February 29, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, The Royal City Soccer Club, a registered non-profit community organization, is proud to host their 32 nd  annual grassroots summer day camps.  The program is designed to promote personal development, team building and of course, FUN!  Uniquely designed to offer a more soccer focused morning with...

Grade 8 Farewell and Celebration

February 27, 2024

Hello Grade 8 Parents and Guardians! The  Grade 8 Farewell Celebration  is coming! When –  Tuesday, June 25 th  6-9pm Where –  Heritage Community Centre ,  950 Sturgeon Rd What –  MUSIC, DANCING, PRIZES, PHOTO BOOTH, FOOD AND DRINKS, GLITTER TATTOOS Tickets - $20  Students  - Come and celebrate...

Bruce News- February 22nd, 2024

February 23, 2024

Hello Bruce Families! The link for Parent – Teacher conferences is live and can be found on the school’s website. You will be able to book one conference for now, but the system will open up March 4 th  to allow for more. If you have any problems with...

Online Waitlist Link

February 15, 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians, This is a reminder if you are wishing to register you child at a school they  did not  get a registration form for, please be aware of the following: The  Online Waitlist begins Friday, February 16th, 2024 at 8:00AM .  Upon completion, you will receive an...

Graduation Powwow- May 30th, 2024

February 13, 2024

Bruce News- February 12th, 2024

February 13, 2024

Hello Bruce Families, Congratulations  to the  Tier 1 boys basketball team and Coach Mr. Krahn  on their thrilling tournament win this last weekend! It is nearing the middle of February and  Staff appreciation week  is here. Please feel free to drop your child’s teachers or educational assistant a quick...

Gr 8 Sturgeon Student Expo Tomorrow + Info Night at Bruce

February 07, 2024

Hello Grade 8 Families! Our Grade 8s will be heading to Sturgeon tomorrow as they have rescheduled their student expo. This is an opportunity for students to get a good look at some of the various course offerings and opportunities at the high school level. Students MUST have a...

Bears Love to Read- Spirit Week!

February 05, 2024

Opa Lunch- Mar 14

February 01, 2024

We will be having another school fun lunch on  Thursday, March 14th  - th​is time from Opa.
Orders can be placed through and paid online.  If any families prefer to pay by cash, please contact the office to request a paper form. The order will close on March 9th. Ordering Instructions​


Bruce News- January 28th, 2024

January 29, 2024

Hello Bruce Families! We hope you have all had a good start to the new year. It’s hard to believe (for us in the school anyway) that January is almost over. February is  I Love To Read  and  Black History Month . Students will be engaged in activities across...

Pink Shirt Day

January 25, 2024

Pink Shirt Orders are available to order through Schoolcash. Toques ($23.), T-Shirts ($13 - $15) and Hoodies ($47-$53) are available. Orders must be place by January 29th, 2024. Anti-Bullying Day (or Pink Shirt Day) is an annual event, held in Canada and other parts of the world, where people...

Pita Pit Lunch- Feb 1

January 12, 2024

We will be having another school fun lunch on Thursday, February 1 - th​is time from Pita Pit.
Orders can be placed through and paid online.  If any families prefer to pay by cash, please contact the office to request a paper form. The order will close on January 28th.​ ​Ordering Instructions


Pizza Orders

January 10, 2024

​Pizza Day is held on Friday's throughout the school year.  Payment and orders are due to homeroom teachers  Thursday mornings .  It is $2.50 a slice, and $1 for a drink.  Pizza orders are placed Thursday evenings so we are unable to process any late orders from students.  Bruce...

Gr 8 Field Trip - January 11th

January 09, 2024

This Thursday, January 11, the grade 8 students and staff will be going to Sturgeon Heights Collegiate to attend their first  Student Success Expo . This is a school-wide event to celebrate their students, the work they do, and the skills they have. It is a combination of an...

NHL Street Hockey

December 20, 2023

The West Portage Branch of the YMCA-YWCA in Winnipeg, situated at 3550 Portage Avenue, presents an exciting program tailored for children aged 6 to 12: NHL Street Hockey. NHL Street offers an engaging avenue for youngsters, focusing on the essence of youth sports—fun, activity, and friendship. Embrace the invitation...

Bruce News- December 16th, 2023

December 18, 2023

Hello Parents and Guardians, I hope this email finds all families enjoying some of the joy and togetherness of the season. This week will be the last school week of the 2023 school year and that means busy times, high expectations and sometimes that can lead to heightened anxieties....

Gr 7 Annual Ornament Walk

December 18, 2023

Parents/Guardians of Grade 7 Students, The Grade 7 students have been busy making their ornaments for the Annual Ornament Walk, where they will be hanging their ornaments on some of the trees in the area.  Students will be going on this walk on Thursday, December 21st in the morning. ...

BMS Holiday Sale!

December 06, 2023

KFC Lunch December 22nd

November 24, 2023

Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Bruce Middle School will be offering a hot lunch option on December 22, 2023 for students who would like to place an order.  This time we are going to order from KFC.  There are a number of different options available.  Please go to to place an order...

Bruce News- November 17th

November 20, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! Thank you to those who have generously donated to the  hampers, cereal boxes or Koats for Kids . Donations will be accepted all month. My favourite aspect of this time of year is the generosity of spirit and the sharing of joy we see in our...

Bruce News- November 10th

November 13, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! This month we are focusing on the qualities of generosity and community with the students. We have two fundraisers to meet the needs of our community and we ask that you and your family consider supporting where you can. First, we are collecting gently used jackets,...

Remembrance Day Service- Nov 10th

November 08, 2023

Our Remembrance Day Service will be held on Friday, November 10 th  at 11:00 am in the school's gymnasium.  Our community members are welcome to attend.  We will have a "Silver" collection for anyone wishing to donate to the Poppy Campaign conducted by The Royal Canadian Legion in support of...

Healthy Hunger- SUBWAY LUNCH NOV 24TH, 2023

November 06, 2023

Dear Parents/ Guardians,
We are trying something different as an alternative to our Friday pizza lunches for November 24th.  We are offering a fun Subway lunch through Healthy Hunger.  All orders are placed online and will be delivered to the school.  You can set up an account by following...

Purchase Seat Link 2023-2024

November 02, 2023
​ Dear Parents/ Guardians, T ransportation has advised the Purchase Seat Application Form will open this  Friday November 3 rd , 2023  at 8AM. It will stay open until Friday, November 10 th , 2023. The link to the form is here: Please remember that the Transportation Department will be looking at...

Bruce News- October 29th, 2023

October 30, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! Spirit Week  is here! Each day has a simple theme to follow:                  Monday  – Wacky Hat Day, wear your wildest or most special headwear                  Tuesday  – Hallowe'en, wear a costume (please no weapons) activities in the afternoon                  Wednesday  – Pyjama Day!                  Thursday  – Day...

Winter Craft Sale!

October 25, 2023

Bruce News- October 23rd, 2023

October 23, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! We hope you have had the chance to enjoy the fading fall weather, it looks like that will change this week. Please make sure your child is dressed warmly as we will continue to be outside for lunch recess. Our  Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy  program begins...

Bruce News- Oct 19, 2023

October 19, 2023

Please see the attached letter regarding an incident during the lunch hour.
Oct 19th, 2023​

Bruce Administration​


Staying Well Virtual Workshop Nov 28th

October 13, 2023

Parents / Guardians, The SJASD Education Support Services is offering the following virtual workshop on TEAMS for parents / guardians on November 28.   Staying Well Virtual Workshop: Supporting Students with Dyslexia Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Time: 6:15-7:15 Presenters: Maria Phelps, Kristy Wake, Tracey Eagle, & Potoula Locken Does your smart...

Bruce News- Oct. 8th, 2023

October 10, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s a beautiful day (and long weekend overall)l and I hope you are enjoying the changing of the seasons. Just a reminder for our new families, there is no school Monday because of Thanksgiving. In case you are wondering what Thanksgiving is all about, here is...

Bruce News- October 1st, 2023

October 02, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! I hope you are all having a great weekend.  Thank you to all families that came to the school for our meet the teacher picnic! It was great to see so many out, having fun and sharing stories. A special thank you to those who also...

Bruce News- September 23th, 2023

September 27, 2023
Hello Bruce Families! The transition to fall is here, but hopefully the warm weather will stay around for a while longer, especially for the  cross country team.  Speaking of the team, they deserve  congratulations  on finishing in 3 RD  overall, despite not having a full grade 8 team. Meets...

BMS NEWS- September 18th, 2023

September 19, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! We hope this email finds you all in a great space for the end of summer. We have had a great start up to the school year, with staff and students settling nicely into school routines again and focusing on getting the work done. Yearbooks have...

Bruce Wear Ordering DUE SEPTEMBER 27TH

September 18, 2023

If you would like to order Bruce Wear for the school year please visit:
Deadline to order is September 27 th  @ midnight.


Upcoming Grade 6 and 8 Student Immunization Program Information

September 08, 2023

​ Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 6 and 8 Students;   Public Health’s School Immunization Program information for the 2023-2024 year is attached and consists of the  Dear Parent Letter  (with links to the relevant Manitoba Health Vaccine fact sheets) and the Immunization Consent form. Grade 6 & 8 Letter...

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!

September 04, 2023

We hope you have had a great summer and that your children are ready to go back to school. School officially begins for students on September 8, though we look forward to meeting parents and students at your selected conference times. Here are some reminders or notices of upcoming events:...

Grade 8 Parents Email- June 1st

June 02, 2023

Hello Parents, The grade 8 field trip to Uptown Alley will take place on Friday, June 23.  Please talk to your child to make sure they have submitted their form in to Mr. Weber and pay the $30.00 using the School Cash program.   As part of this day, there will be...

Important Dates - June 2023

June 02, 2023

June 2 – Provincial Beach Volleyball June 6 – Divisional Track and Field day
June 8 – All Library Books are due              - DivisionaI Graduation Pow Wow June 15 – Beach Volleyball day at Melrose...

Bruce News- May 22nd, 2023

May 23, 2023

Hello Bruce Families, I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend! There are only 6 weeks left before the summer break, even though it seems like summer is here early. If your family will be starting your summer break plans before June 30 th , please make sure...

SJASD 2023 Wheel Challenge

May 08, 2023

Wheel Challenge Letter SJASD 2023 Wheel Challenge There are extra copies of the BINGO card in the Bruce Office.

Bruce News- May 7th, 2023

May 08, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! I hope this email finds you well and enjoying some of this nice weather (finally!) A couple of weeks ago, Mrs. Cantafio and I had the privilege of listening to the former Chief of Cowesses First Nation, Chief Cadmus Delorme, who was integral in helping find...

Bruce Middle School Presents Disney My Son Pinocchio Jr

April 19, 2023

Tickets now on sale. $10 per ticket.
Shows are:
May 10th at 7PM May 12 at 7PM​

Get Ready For A WHITE OUT!

April 17, 2023

Staff and students are reminded to wear white on game days to show our support for the Winnipeg Jets!  First game is Tuesday April 18th. ​

Grade 8 Spring Pictures- April 13th

April 12, 2023

Reminder for Parents/Guardians of Grade 8 Students, All grade 8 students will be having their "Spring Pictures" taken on Thursday, April 13, 2023 in the morning by Lifetouch Canada.  These photos will be used for the Grade 8 Class Composite that families can order through Lifetouch.  The Class Composite...

Bruce News- April 9th, 2023

April 10, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! This was a very special weekend for many, and so whether you are celebrating Easter or recognizing this holy month of Ramadan, may you all find peace, happiness, health and wealth. There are only 12 weeks of the school year remaining and we have lots of...

Register Now: Community Consultations

April 03, 2023

The SJASD Board of Trustees would like to hear from parents and caregivers as they develop the next Strategic Plan for the Division. The plan will cover the next four years and outline the Division’s key priorities as well as guide decisions and resources for school improvement. They...

Information Evening 2023-2024

March 23, 2023

Bruce Middle School's Information Evening will be held on Tuesday, April 11 th  from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.  Students and their families who are new to the school and have registered at Bruce Middle School for the 2023 - 2024 school year will have the opportunity to engage in...

Bruce News- March 19th, 2023

March 20, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! First off,  congratulations   to our  Tier 1 Boys Basketball team for becoming Divisional CHAMPIONS  this past week! Jordan, Jayden, Grayson, Nic, AJ, Agoor, Edwin and Marcus saved their best basketball for the playoffs, capturing upsets along the way.  Congratulations  and Thank You to Mr. Maranan...

Spirit Week Mar. 20-24th

March 13, 2023

Triad Conferences March 16th, 2023 4PM-7PM

March 08, 2023

The Conference Manager system is currently open for you to book your in-person conference time.   You can book your preferred time for your conference using the following link: . The system will close on Wednesday, March 15 th  at 4:00 pm.  To book a conference...

Bruce News- February 26th, 2023

February 28, 2023

Hello Bruce Families! As we welcome the last days of February, we also welcome the warm weather that is accompanying it but please continue to send the warm weather just in case. Please join us in wishing Mrs. McCasin and Mrs. Woodcroft all the best as they begin their...

Bruce News- February 12th, 2023

February 13, 2023

Hello Bruce Families, I hope you are enjoying the last moments of the weekend, including the Superbowl and Rhianna’s amazing halftime show. And speaking of amazing events,  congratulations  to  Mrs. McCasin  and her husband as they have welcomed their son over the weekend! We wish them all the best....

Marking Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week

February 07, 2023
​ From February 6 to 10, SJASD recognizes the contributions that educators, administrative and education assistants, educational clinicians and associates, nurses, bus drivers, custodians and all other school support staff make to students and school communities. In addition to being proclaimed  an official week by the Province of Manitoba, many...

Bruce News- January 27th, 2023

January 31, 2023

Hello Bruce Families, It looks like the cold weather has finally come. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for a possible 40 minute outside lunch break. If the weather (including wind chill) is at or below -28 degrees Celcius we will stay indoors, anything above may be...

Bruce News- January 25th, 2023

January 25, 2023

​ H ello Bruce Families, Mrs. Cantafio and I hope the start of the Lunar New Year will bring your family lots of opportunities to stay connected, prosper and celebrate! Mrs. Yard and Ms Thordarson (school social worker) have been busy going to each grade 7 classroom...

Bruce News - January 6th, 2023

January 09, 2023

Hello Bruce Bears Families –  Happy New Year!! We hope you all had a joyous winter break. For those recognizing the Orthodox Christmas, may you have a wonderful celebration. Two sports in the spotlight at the school right now include  Hockey  and  Cross Country Skiing . For those in...

Grade 7 Project

December 16, 2022

Hello Bruce Families, Our grade 7s are hard at work on our annual ornament painting project. We are painting ornaments to spread hope and kindness leading into the holiday break. These ornaments will be hung from trees in the greenspace in front of the Grace Hospital in hope that...

Bruce News- December 9th, 2022

December 13, 2022

Hello Bruce Families – Happy Friday! One more Friday before the break (but who’s counting? lol) The Winter break will be December 22 nd  until January 4, with students returning on the 5 th . If you are planning an earlier start or later ending to the break, please...

Bruce News- November 30th, 2022

December 01, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! Just one reminder and one piece of news for this week. Please remember that if you want to order pizza for your child orders are due Thursday with delivery on Friday. Slices are $2 each and pop or juice is a dollar. The annual Holiday Sale...

SJASD Teacher Wins Governor General’s History Award

November 30, 2022
A Westwood Collegiate teacher has just received the prestigious Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Kelly Hiebert was recognized for his ongoing work in Holocaust education, including the creation of a student-led documentary on the subject entitled Truth Against Distortion: Survivor's Speech Out Against Hate. The history teacher attended...


November 23, 2022

The basketball season is getting underway very soon at Bruce ! A girls basketball ID skills camp will take place Thursday November 24th from 3:30-5:00 pm. This is open to all grade 6-8 girls interested in playing basketball at Bruce this season.  The boys ID camp will take...

Bruce News- November 21st, 2022

November 22, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! As I type this, both of our Tier 1 volleyball teams just won their semi-final games and are headed to Hedges for the divisional finals, so I must make this quick.
It is with sad hearts that we have to say farewell to our Vice Principal...

Bruce News- Oct. 28th, 2022

October 31, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! Spirit week is next week, and it kicks off on Halloween Day. We can’t wait to see everyone’s costume (and some parent’s creativity!) but please remember that weapons are not allowed. After reading time on Monday, we will be doing a locker cleanup followed by Halloween...

Spirit Week Oct 31-Nov 4

October 28, 2022

Next week is Spirit Week,  the homeroom with the most participants for the week will win a PIZZA LUNCH.
Monday Oct 31st- ​​COSTUME DAY
Tuesday Nov 1st- FASHION DISASTER Wednesday Nov 2nd- COMFY COZY DAY

Bruce News- Oct. 21, 2022

October 24, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! I hope this email finds you all enjoying the final warm days of fall. The year has been going very quickly and I apologize for not sending emails more frequently. Please remember that Monday is another in-service day, so no school that day. Congratulations  to our ...

Important Dates Coming Up

September 27, 2022

Terry Fox Run    The Terry Fox Run will take place on Wednesday, September 28.    Students are encouraged to bring a Toonie for our Terry Fox Foundation collection.          Orange Shirt Day  Schools will be closed on September 30 th  for the  National Day for Truth...

News from the Office - Sept 13, 2022

September 14, 2022
​ ​
We have had a great start to the school year! We are back to near-normal operations for the school year and the students are eager to get involved. We will try to send a weekly email to let know of upcoming events, but please check out our website...

School Trustee Candidate Information

September 12, 2022
​ School board elections are an important opportunity for residents of St. James-Assiniboia to get involved in public education. By voting for your school trustees, you have a direct link to the people who oversee the running of our schools.
Anyone interested in becoming a School Trustee candidate for the 2022 election should go to the following...

Using School Messenger

September 08, 2022
​ What if my child will be absent from school? If your child will be absent from school, we request that parents report their child's absence using the School Messenger system. Using School Messenger, absences can be reported using the SchoolMessenger app on your mobile device (iOS or Android), on the web, or...

News From The Office - Sept 6, 2023

September 08, 2022
       W elcome to the 2022-2023 school year! Whether you are a returning family  to Bruce Middle School, new to the  school or even new to the country, we hope this school year will be a truly memorable experience for each of your children. This letter is to provide some...

Welcome Back to School 2022-23

September 01, 2022
​​ We are pleased to welcome students and staff back to full-time, in person learning this fall. For those who are joining us as new students, parents, and staff, we extend a very a special welcome to the St. James-Assiniboia school community! We look forward to supporting our students to engage...

Opening Day Conference 2022-2023

July 12, 2022
​ Opening Day Conferences will be held in-person on Sept 7, 2022 from 12:00 - 6:00 pm and on Sept 8, 2022 from 8:00 - 2:00 pm.   Please book a conference time with your child's homeroom teacher using the Conference Manager system ( .  )
The Conference Manager system  will...


June 30, 2022

Report cards were e-mailed out Wednesday June 29th at 4PM
Homeroom assigned were e-mailed out Wednesday June 29th at 4PM
Below are the attachments that were included:
2022-2023 Calendar Bell Schedule Homeroom Map Triad Conference Instructions Supply List 22-23
Office Opens August 22nd, 2022 

Bruce News- June 13th, 2022

June 15, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! This may be the last Bruce News of the year so let me start by saying Thank You! to all parents and guardians of our Bruce Bears. Thank you for raising and supporting our students on their educational journeys, especially through another year of this pandemic....

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID June 6-9th, 2022

June 13, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Immunizations June 20th, 2022

June 13, 2022

Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please see the attached memo from Public Health.  They will be at Bruce Middle School June 20th.
June 20th Letter​


Bruce Track & Field Email

June 07, 2022

Dear Bruce Families, Just a friendly reminder that we have a large number of Bruce Bears attending the divisional track & field meet tomorrow (June 7th) at the University of Manitoba!  The bus will be leaving promptly at 8:30am sharp, so please be sure that your student is at...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID May 30-Jun3

June 06, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID May 24-27th

June 01, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce Band News

May 30, 2022

Hello Families! Thursday, June 2 nd  is our first band concert in two and a half years! All grade 6, 7, and 8 band students are expected to arrive no later than 6:30 pm. The concert will begin at 7:00 pm with our grade 6 students. We ask that...

Social Media Follow Up

May 27, 2022

Hello Parents and Guardians, Many students came to school sharing stories of an incident that occurred last night at the skate park. A couple of students made some poor choices while at the park which prompted a  police response. Thankfully, no one was hurt and it did not involve...

Bruce News- May 25, 2022

May 25, 2022

Hello Families, Today's sudden (though not unexpected) showers at the end of lunch led to some singing in the rain and cries of "I'm melting!" lol With the exceptions of severe conditions, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We will go outside unless there...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID May 16-20th

May 24, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Spring Literacy Fair- June 2, 2022

May 20, 2022

Hello Families, Please see the attached form regarding the Spring Literacy Fair to be held June 2 nd  from 4:30 -7 p.m. on the Jameswood School grounds​
Spring Literacy Fair- June 2 2022


Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID May 9-13

May 16, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID May 2-6th

May 10, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID Apr 25-29th

May 02, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID APR18-21

April 25, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce News- April 24th, 2022

April 25, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! Here is important information for the week. Pizza Days Return! This Friday will be the first Pizza day at Bruce Middle School for the year. Students can purchase slices of pizza for $2 each and a can of pop for $1. Orders must be placed through homeroom...

Grade 8 Grad Photos / Composite Orders

April 20, 2022

Grade 8 Parents/Guardians Grade 8 photos will be taken on Thursday April 21 st  . If you wish to order the Grade 8 composite photo,  please make sure your child brings their filled out composite order form along with the exact payment amount to the photographer. They are accepting exact cash or cheques only. If...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID APR11&12

April 18, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

St. James Assiniboia School Division schools closed - No school April 13 and April 14

April 12, 2022
All metro Winnipeg schools, including St. James Assiniboia School Division (SJASD), will be closed for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 13, and Thursday, April 14. As a result, there is no school on these days.  
Any child care facilities located in SJASD schools will also close for these two days.

All school bus transportation for Wednesday, April 13 and Thursday, April 14

April 12, 2022
A Winter storm warning is in effect for the City of Winnipeg. Hazardous winter conditions are expected. 
All Metro Winnipeg school divisions, including St. James-Assiniboia School Division (SJASD), are  cancelling all school bus transportation for Wednesday, April 13 and Thursday, April 14 , in anticipation of adverse weather and road...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID APR4-8

April 08, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Grad Photos- April 21st, 2022

April 06, 2022
  Grade 8 Grad photos will be taking place Thursday April 21st, 2022 beginning at 9AM. All grade 8 students have been provided an ordering form.  All forms must be given to the photographer on picture day. Only exact cash or cheques will be accepted. ​

Resiliency in a Post-covid World Parent Session

April 05, 2022

Educational Support Services is pleased to offer: Resiliency in a Post-covid World - Virtual Parent Session Wednesday, April 20 th , 6:15pm – 7:15pm – Early, Middle and Senior Years Parents, Presented by Dr. Maria Phelps, School Psychologist Resiliency is a central concept in mental health promotion. Resiliency is...

COVID 19 Vaccine: Immunization Clinics for Children aged 5 to 11 Years Old

April 04, 2022
​  *** Date changed due to storm - NEW DATE:  APRIL 28th  *****
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Please see the attached letter from Public Health. 
Immunization Clinic- Aged 5-11​

Bruce Middle School


Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID MAR21-25

April 04, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce News- March 18, 2022

March 18, 2022

Hello Bruce Families, With our last week before the break coming up, we hope you are rejuvenated by the warner weather and ready for a final push! We thank all our staff and families for following the guidance of public health officials over the last two years and doing...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID March 14-17

March 18, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

March 15th COVID Update

March 14, 2022

Dear Bruce Families, Please see the latest COVID update from St. James-Assiniboia School Division, effective March 15, 2022.​
March 15th COVID Update​
Thanks, Mr. MacNeil & Mrs. Waters​


Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID March 7-11

March 14, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID FEB28-MAR3

March 04, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID FEB22-25

February 25, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

CHSC Virtual Information Night

February 25, 2022

Hello Future Huskies! Please note that there will be a virtual information evening for new English program students, held on Wednesday March 16 th  at 6pm. This session is intended only for the families of in-catchment registrants. A link for the meeting will be forwarded to you from your...

National Pink Shirt Day Message

February 24, 2022

Hello Parents and Guardians, Today is National Pink Shirt Day in support of Antibullying work being done across Canada. We had a virtual presentation by Winnipeg Police Services Officer Constable Buduhan, who has completed many presentations in Winnipeg schools. Const. Buduhan spoke of bullying as a form of aggression...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COIVD Feb 14-18

February 22, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce News- Feb 22nd, 2022

February 22, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! I hope this email finds you and your family in good spirits and health. We have finished our week of  Olympic  events and we congratulate Team Canada on their win! Austria finished 2 nd , followed by Germany and then Norway. The win came down to...

Bruce News- Feb 13, 2022

February 14, 2022

Hello Bruce Families, As you most likely heard, the Provincial government has announced a change in the pandemic response level to Yellow as of the 15 th  of this week. It doesn’t really change the operation within schools as masks and cohorting for our grade 6 students will still...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COVID FEB 7-11

February 14, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce News- Feb 4th, 2022

February 09, 2022

Hello Bruce Families, This coming week we will see the resumption of a number programs at the school such as the Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy (both during and after school), popcorn sales at snack time, the canteen with a limited menu and Tier 2 basketball games. Students in the...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COIVD-Jan31-Feb3

February 03, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Weekly Average Percentage of Absenteeism related to COIVD-Jan24-28

January 28, 2022

With the increased transmissibility of the Omicron variant of concern, Public Health staff are anticipating high case numbers of COVID-19 in the short term. In addition to the information on the  COVID-19 Dashboard: School-Aged Cases and School Staff Cases in Manitoba ,  a ttendance data for our school...

Bruce News- Jan 21st, 2022

January 26, 2022

Hello Bruce Families! Thank you for your trust, patience and understanding as continue to navigate the latest expectations in schools. We are thankful that so many families have been following COVID 19 protocols as prescribed by the province – self-screen, wear a mask, get vaccinated and isolate if sick....

Message from St. James Assiniboia SD

January 26, 2022

To help keep our community informed, the St. James-Assiniboia School Division will be tracking COVID-19-related absences as they are submitted by parents. To track COVID-related absences, parents now have a choice to indicate a  COVID-related absence  when entering a student absence on School Messenger/Safe Arrival and/or when calling an...

Bruce News- Covid Edition

January 18, 2022

Hello Families, Education Manitoba have provided the following documents to help you navigate most questions you may have about isolation, COVID protocols and safety measures needed to keep schools safe.
COVID Resources for Parents and Caregivers COVID_19_Public Health Measures for K-12 Schools January 2022_v2 Isolation for Close Contacts -...

Vaccine Clinic Information

January 18, 2022

Public Health has just announced that they will be hosting a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Bruce Middle School on the morning of Tuesday, February 8. This clinic is for first and second doses, assuming enough time has passed. I have been informed by Public Health that you would indicate...

Return to Learning Plan

January 07, 2022

Hello Bruce Families, I hope this email finds you all well and safe. For those families that have been directly affected from the SARS CoV-2 virus over the break, may you recover quickly.  The attached documents outline the plan for the phased-in returning to learning. The 'January 6 Letter to...

Update on Return to School Plan for St. James-Assiniboia School Division

January 04, 2022
As announced by the province of Manitoba today, students will begin one week of remote learning starting Monday, January 10, while staff implement enhanced measures for return to class. This phased-in approach will: 
-allow schools to plan for staff shortages and absenteeism -create time for distribution of additional rapid tests -allow...

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Kits for grade K to 6 Students

December 30, 2021

​Manitoba Government announced that COVID-19 Rapid Antigen kits would be made available for students from kindergarten to Grade 6.  Based on the SJASD initial expression of interest survey, there were over 2000 St. James-Assiniboia families who indicated that they wish to access the kits.  Below you will find pick...

​Message of Appreciation and Holiday Greetings from the Board of Trustees of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division

December 21, 2021
It has been another challenging start of the school year for our staff, students, parents, and community members. I hope that you, your family, and your friends can spend time together enjoying holiday traditions and creating lasting memories during the holiday break. The treasured time we spend with our family and...

Bruce News- Dec 14th, 2021

December 15, 2021

Hello Bruce Families! Thank you! to all the families that have donated items towards the Holiday sale. So far it has been a very successful sale, with students buying gifts for families and friends (okay, and many for themselves.) Each item in the sale is 50 cents and all...

Co-Curricular Vaccine Info

December 07, 2021

Please see attached letter regarding vaccines for Co-Curricular activites.​ Co-Curricular Vaccine Info

Heritage Vaccine Letter

December 02, 2021

Hello Families, Please see the attached letter regarding an upcoming COVID 19 vaccine clinic at Heritage School.​
Heritage Vaccine Letter
Bruce Administration ​


Holiday Sale Details

November 30, 2021

Holiday sale details. There will be 3 parts to the sale    1. Sale of new and used items    2. Candy cane sales    3. Gift basket draws Holiday Sale Holiday sale will occur December 13, 14, 15, and 16.  Please bring in any new or slightly used...

Bruce News- Nov 29th, 2021

November 29, 2021

Hello Bruce Families, We are already into the last days of November/first days of December. With only three full weeks and 3 days left before the break, it won’t be long before major projects and tests are due. I will ask teachers to make sure you are well informed...

Grade 6 Vaccines

November 26, 2021
Hello Bruce Families, The recent announcement of COVID vaccines available for our grade 6 students has been met with some excitement and relief, but has also raised a question or two, particularly around the timing of vaccine doses.  Public health is advising parents to allow a two week window...

Immunization Reminder Letter

November 23, 2021

Please see the attached Immunization Reminder Letter that was e-mailed November 23rd, 2021
Immunization Reminder Letter

Bruce News- Oct 28th, 2021

October 29, 2021

H ello Bruce Parents and Guardians,
HAPPY HALLOWE’EN! Please encourage your child to dress in costume tomorrow. We have asked for no masks or weapons for safety. If a student wears a mask, they will be asked to lift it off their face while in school, similar to how...

Bruce News- Oct 22nd 2021

October 22, 2021

Hello Bruce Parents and Guardians,
I hope all is well with you and yours. I think we are far enough into the school year to say we hit a good rhythm in the school with students being productive and deep into their courses and many activities under way. We are...

Public health measures in schools

September 28, 2021
​To: Parents and caregivers,

It has been almost 18 months since the first case of COVID-19 was detected in Manitoba. As a province, we have faced many challenges during that time. Having a vaccine approved and available for every Manitoban born in 2009 or earlier has fundamentally changed the context...

Terry Fox Day Friday October 1st

September 21, 2021
​   Terry Fox Run 2021 ​
Most people have had a family member or friend affected in some way by cancer. Forty - one years ago on April 12, 1980, Terry Fox began his historic run to raise funds and awareness for cancer research. Terry’s courage and determination in attempting...

Bruce News- Tues Sept 14th

September 15, 2021

  Hello Bruce Parents and Guardians, We have had a great start up for the new school year!  Thank you for your part in getting the students ready for the return to learning and setting them up for success. We are excited that extra-curriculars, intramurals and band have been reintroduced. A...

2021-2022 School Year June Package

June 29, 2021
​ Incase you were unable to pick-up 2021-2022 June Package below are the links: Supply List 2021-2022 School Day Calendar 2021-2022 Triad Conferences 2021-2022 Homeroom Map 2021-2022 Bell Schedule 2021-2022      

Bruce News- Wednesday June 23rd

June 23, 2021
​ Hello Bruce Families! As our final week of school winds down, we wanted to share some information and reminders with you all need to be aware of: This week is our ‘Bruce’s Week of Inspiration’ event, where our students & families are invited to watch a series of amazing speakers. The...

Bruce News- Thursday June 17th

June 18, 2021
​ Hello Bruce families! As we wind down this school year, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for all your support this year. The pandemic has shifted all our roles in significant ways, so whether you have helped your child navigate Microsoft Teams, ensuring they are working on their at-home days or...

Bruce News- Thursday June 10th

June 11, 2021
​ At-Home Remote Learning Continues: As announced by the Government of Manitoba, schools will remain in Critical (red) level remote learning until the end of the school year. During the week of June 14 th – 18 th :  - Current Teams schedules will remain in place for all students with...

Today's Education Announcement

June 04, 2021
​ The Government of Manitoba has announced today, June 3, 2021, that schools will remain in Critical (red) level remote learning until the end of the school year.  SJASD schools in remote learning can have students return in limited capacity starting June 14, 2021, to allow them to meet with teachers.  In...


May 21, 2021
​ This year, the BMS yearbook will take a student-centered and student-generated approach to highlight the amazing individuality of our student body. The pages will be dedicated to who we are more than what we did. ALL Students are asked to join the Showbie Group for their appropriate grade level class (codes...

Bruce News- Sunday May 16th

May 18, 2021
​   Dear Bruce Families, Please view the attachment for correspondence from Dr. Joss Reimer, medical lead of Manitoba's Vaccine Implementation Task Force. Letter to Parents - Pfizer Vaccine Stay safe!

Bruce News- Wednesday May 13th

May 13, 2021
​ Hello Bruce Families! Just a friendly reminder that the next virtual Bruce Parent Advisory Group meeting is taking place this evening (May 13th) at 6:00pm. The meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. If you're interested in joining in the conversation this evening, please call the school to ensure the...

Bruce News- Monday May 10th

May 11, 2021
​   Hello Parents and Guardians. Please see the attached letter outlining the plan for May remote learning. May Remote Learning

Bruce News- Grade 7 Families

May 04, 2021
​ Dear Grade 7 Families, In the coming weeks grade 7 students will be taking part in the Speak Up program at Bruce. Please see the attached letter from Ms. Yard with some information. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions. Speak Up Letter  Stay safe...

Bruce News - Friday April 30th

May 03, 2021
​ Hello Bruce Families, Please see the attached letter and schedule regarding the new alternate day plans for grade 7 and 8 students. This new schedule will take effect on Wednesday, May 5th.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. MacNeil or Mrs. Waters at...

Bruce News- Sunday April 25th

April 26, 2021
​ Hello Bruce families! We hope you are finding ways to keep yourselves and your families safe and resilient during these times. This last week we reviewed with students the reasons to follow public health guidelines around mask wearing, maintaining physical distances, and sanitizing regularly. Please take a moment to talk...

Bruce News- Thursday April 15th

April 15, 2021
  Hello Bruce Families, Just a reminder that tomorrow is an in-service (no school) and Tuesday the 20th is an early dismissal day. Please see attached for updated COVID-19 information as a reminder for all families.  Public Health is reminding all school communities that communication of positive COVID -19 cases are...

Following COVID-19 safety protocols help keep our schools safe

April 15, 2021
With daily health checks and following the COVID-19 protocols, you and your family can help keep our schools safe. Remember to check every morning to see if you, your child and your family have COVID-19 or flu-related symptoms before they are sent to school. Symptoms may include:
A B Fever/Chills Runny...

Staying Well - Building Resiliency Session

March 22, 2021
​   Staying Well – Building Resiliency for ages 5-18     Description of session : Resiliency involves the ability to ‘bounce back’ from stress and challenges that one may face across their lifespan and learn more from these experiences, so we are better prepared to face challenges in the future. ...

Spirit Week March 22-26, 2021

March 16, 2021
​   Spirit Week is coming up again! Please take a look at the Spring Spirit Week 2021 information.

Grade 7 & 8 Blended Learning Letter

March 15, 2021
​   Please view the Blended Learning Gr 7 - Gr 8 - April 2021 sent via email March 15th, 2021

Virtual Open House March 11th, 2021

March 09, 2021
​   Due to COVID our Open House will be taking place on TEAMS. Date: Thursday, March 11th, 2021 Time: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Open House Link

Bruce News- March 5th, 2021

March 08, 2021
​   Hello Bruce Families! What a nice feeling it is to have the sun and warmer weather back! I hope you can enjoy the upcoming warm weekend. Parent – Student – Teacher Triads are coming up next Thursday, March 11 from 4:30-7:30pm. Conferences will be virtual again through MS Teams....

COVID-19 Isolation Protocols Effective March 1, 2021

March 04, 2021
​   The Manitoba government has made changes to the COVID-19 Isolation Protocols. Please take a moment to view the new protocols.

Term 2 Parent Teacher Conferences

February 25, 2021
​   Parents can begin booking Term 2 conferences March 1st at 6:00AM.  Booking closes March 11th at 12:30PM.  Please remember to only select 1 teacher per students. Conferences will take place March 11th between 4:30PM- 7:30PM Parent Teacher Conferences for Term 2 will be conducted through TEAMS.  Please select a...

Bruce News - February 15th, 2021

February 16, 2021
​   Hello Bruce Families!   I hope this email finds you warm inside and enjoying the end of a long weekend. The weather is still looking cold for the beginning of the week so please make sure students are dressed for the weather. We will be going outside for PE...

Bruce News- January 30, 2021

February 01, 2021
​   Hello Bruce families! It is hard to believe that January has come and gone (but we’re glad it is!) Mrs. Waters and I hope all of our families and extended families are doing well as we all continue to cope with the pandemic. We are not out of the...

Return to In-Class Learning Alternate Days (Gr 7 & Gr 8)

January 15, 2021
​ Happy New Year to everyone! As you may have heard, the province has announced that grade 7-12 students are to return to in-class, alternating day schedules starting Monday, January 18 th . We will continue with the alternating schedule to allow 2m distancing between students and will stay in this pattern...


January 05, 2021
​ Please take a look at this mindfulness information

2 Weeks of Remote Learning

December 17, 2020
​ Please see the attached 2 Week Remote Learning Plan for all grade 7 & 8 classes. All grade 7 and 8 students will be remote learning January 5th-15th, 2021. January 5th-8th plan January 11th-15th plan  

Bruce News- December 14, 2020

December 14, 2020
​   Click here to view the letter sent to Bruce families December 14th, 2020

School Calendar Update

December 10, 2020
​ Parents / Guardians: Attached is the revised school day calendar for 2020-2021.  Please note January 4, 2021 will be an Inservice day for Kindergarten to Grade 12. All classes (remote and in-class learning) and transportation will be cancelled on this day. School resumes January 5, 2021 with Kindergarten to Grade...

Holiday Spirit Week Dec 14-18th 2020

December 09, 2020
​ Monday 14th- Winter Wonderland Tuesday 15th- Holiday Headgear Wednesday 16th- Ugly Holiday Sweaters Thursday 17th- Disney on Ice Friday 18th- Long Winter's Nap

Bruce News- November 20, 2020

November 24, 2020
​   Hello Bruce Families!   We hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and doing well emotionally. It is hard to believe that the last week of November is upon us and the number of ‘pivots’ we have completed since the start of the school year. Students...

Bruce News- Friday, November 13th

November 16, 2020
​ Hello Bruce Families! I hope you are doing well and finding some peace amid the changes going on around us. We have made some changes at Bruce as well, as we prepare for next week. As you have most likely heard, we are moving to alternate day attendance for the...

Bruce Library Curbside Pick-Up

November 13, 2020
​ Bruce Library is now offering Curbside Pick-Up.  Please click the link to start getting your books! Bruce Library Curbside Pick-Up

Grade 7 & 8 Alternate Days

November 09, 2020
  Please see the attached letter, which has important information about  changes to in-class attendance for grades 7 & 8 students  (effective November 16th) and additional  physical distancing measures for grades 6-8 students.   Alternate Day Attendance Letter MY

Symptoms Associated With COVID-19

November 05, 2020
​ If you have symptoms associated with COVID-19 you should be tested.  Click on the following link to view the symptom fact sheet for Covid 19.

Triad Virtual Conferences

November 02, 2020
​   We will be having our Student/Parent/Teacher Triad conferences on Thursday, November 12 from 4-7pm. We will open Conference Manager on Monday to give  parents and guardians the opportunity to book 10 minute interview slots with teachers of their choice. Conferences will be virtual this year through...

Bruce News Oct 30, 2020

November 02, 2020
​ Hello Bruce Families!
What a great Spirit Week we had! With lots of participation from all grade levels each day, it was wonderful to see. Thank you for supporting this effort. As you may have heard, the Metro Winnipeg Area will be entering a critical (red) level of response. This...

Message To Bruce Families

October 22, 2020
​ The school and division continue to do our best in following the provincial health guidelines while in a pandemic for the safety and health of our students, staff and families. We believe that the use of masks, cohorts and physical distancing has helped in keeping transmission in schools to minimum....

Spirit Week is October 26-30th, 2020

October 22, 2020
​   Monday October 26th- MEME DAY- Dress up like a MEME Tuesday October 27th- TWIN DAY- Grab a friend and dress alike Wednesday October 28th- SPORTS DAY- Wear sporty or team clothing Thursday October 29th- THROWBACK DAY- Dress like a former decade Friday October 30th- COSTUME DAY

Email to Parents- Oct 9, 2020

October 13, 2020
​   Hello Bruce Families, We had a really good week at school. Students have moved beyond the anxiety of what school and COVID look like together and have settled into healthy routines (though some have settled back into routines of poor choice making)  - all good signs that we are...

Parent Council AGM Meeting Oct 22, 2020 @ 6:30pm

October 13, 2020
​    The Manitoba Association of Parent Councils recommends that schools hold their Parent Annual General Meeting virtually to avoid having large groups within the school. We will hold our first (VIRTUAL) meeting at 6:30pm on Thursday, October 22nd. The meeting will be conducted through Microsoft Teams and if you would...

Message From The Office - Sept 16, 2020

September 20, 2020
​ We have had a great first full week here at Bruce! Students seem to have settled into their routines quickly and they are doing their best to follow the new protocols. The grade 6 students are learning how to navigate the library system and sign out books, grade 7 students...

Message From The Office - Sept 12th

September 13, 2020
     We have had a really good first week back! It wasn't perfect and we have work to do, but the positive responses from students, staff and parents made us proud of the hard work everyone is doing. The good was evident in the smiles on everyone's faces, the new...

Physical Education Classes at Bruce

September 13, 2020
​       The majority of Physical Education classes will be happening outside for the foreseeable future.  With that in mind it is important that students dress to be active (layers are ideal), and are wearing a pair of athletic shoes or have a pair they can change into in their backpack/gym bag. ...

Email to Parents - Sept 4, 2020

September 07, 2020
  Greetings Parents and Guardians, I know a lot of information has been coming your way regarding the start up of school and it may seem overwhelming. Instead of sending more reminders of information that can be found on our website, Ms Waters and I just wanted to send some reassurance...

Guidelines for Transportation to Schools

September 04, 2020

Where school bus transportation is necessary, the following guidelines should be followed by school bus drivers and students:
■ Students with symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend school or be passengers on buses (see ■ Face-masks are required on school buses for K-12 students and any other passengers...

Masks required on all school buses

September 02, 2020
​ As students prepare to return to school, all students, drivers, and any other passengers on school buses will be required to wear a mask, as passengers may be close to each other for an extended time without the ability to physically distance from each other.  This new rule is a...

BMS Back To School Plan

August 24, 2020
Welcome Back!  Please see the attachment for our Back to School Plan for September 2020. Bruce Return to School Plan (2).pdf

UPDATED: Welcoming our students back: restoring safe schools.

August 17, 2020
Read our updated (now including information about mandatory masks) document here:
SJASD Welcoming Our Students Back Aug 20.pdf​


My Learning at Home web portal now available

June 04, 2020
The province of Manitoba has provided a supplemental online learning resource for Manitoba families whose children are learning at home during the suspension of in-school classes because of COVID-19.
The My Learning at Home portal provides resources designed to assist families in supporting the work of teachers as they continue to...

Re-opening school facilities for limited use

May 26, 2020
On May 21, 2020 the draft plan for Phase Two of Restoring Safe Services: Manitoba’s Pandemic and Economic Roadmap for Recovery was released. This draft plan includes re-opening school facilities for limited use, where physical distancing and Public Health orders can be followed.

What does this mean?


GREEN ACTION Move, Play and Learn at Home

May 14, 2020
​ Clean Air Day
An at-home online event for schools and kids Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Let's move, play and learn! Clean Air Day is a time to celebrate sustainable transportation, clean air, active people, and a healthy planet. Kids, families, classes and schools can  celebrate at home, indoors or...

April 20, 2020 Update From the Office

April 17, 2020
  The following letter contains updated information from BMS Office.  Please click on the link  April 20th Update from the Office.pdf   April 16, 2020 Update From the Office The following letter contains update information from BMS office .  Please click on the link April 16th 2020 Update.pdf  ...

Message from the Board of Trustees regarding COVID-19 and in-school class suspension

March 31, 2020
​Dear Families and Staff,
The St. James-Assiniboia School Division (SJASD) Board of Trustees would like to take this time to recognize all the hard work our students, parents and staff have put in to make the transition to remote learning possible. We are grateful for the professional agility demonstrated by our...

Communication with SJASD Schools during suspension of in-school classes

March 23, 2020
To assist with the continuation of learning during the suspension of in-school classes, we wish to remind parents that communication with Principals and Teachers is still available:
Please first use the communication method that has already been put in place by teachers and/or school Principals.
Each St. James-Assiniboia School Division (SJASD)...

Student Learning During In-School Class Suspension

March 19, 2020
  As you are aware, all  classes have been suspended across Manitoba until further notice from the government.   Teachers have been reaching out to you about their plans and will continue to do so as we receive more direction from the Province and our Division Board Office.  School work is being provided through digital platforms for...

Self-isolate if you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days

March 15, 2020
In consultation with the province, please be advised that any students or staff travelling outside of Canada in the past 14 days are asked to self-isolate.

As of Sunday, March 15, our schools have been contacting staff and families that had indicated travel plans, to inform them of the expectation...

Manitoba schools close for three weeks starting March 23

March 13, 2020
Dear families,
As announced on March 13, 2020 by the Province of Manitoba, all schools in Manitoba will close as of Monday, March 23 for three weeks (one week before Spring Break and one week after Spring Break). A week has been provided to allow for families and schools to prepare...

COVID-19 Information for Parents

March 13, 2020
Dear families,

As with any seasonal flu and respiratory infections, there are precautions that we can all take to stay safe and healthy. We are closely monitoring the situation and are following recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Canada​, Manitoba Health and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. It is wise...

CANCELLED - WJHA Grade 8's Field Trip March 20th

March 10, 2020
​ Grade 8 Students who are part of the WJHA program will be going to the Pan Am Bio Mechanic Lab on March 20th, 2020.  Students will be picked up from the school at 12:30 and will return to Bruce by 2:45.  The afterschool session on March 20th will not be...

30th Annual 'Yes I Can!' Awards ceremony honours SJASD student, parents and staff

February 27, 2020
Hundreds gathered at the Victoria Inn Convention Centre on Thursday, February 20, to celebrate the 30th Annual 'Yes I Can!' Awards ceremony, recognizing the tremendous accomplishments of children and youth with disabilities. 'The Yes I Can!' Awards are hosted by the Manitoba Council for Exceptional Children to highlight the outstanding achievements of...

Pilot swim program welcomes newcomers to our community

February 27, 2020
Newcomers to Canada face many barriers when they work to navigate and establish themselves in their new country. A key value of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division (SJASD) is respect for each other, our diversity, and our community. Both in response to feedback from the community and the existing mandates of...

SJASD undertakes The Great Kindness Challenge

February 27, 2020
Last week (January 27 – 31, 2020), the St. James-Assiniboia School Division tackled The Great Kindness Challenge (GKC) at several schools in the Division, joining over 14 million students and over 15 thousand schools in creating a culture of compassion, acceptance, unity and respect. The proactive bullying prevention initiative improves school...

WJHA Field Trip Grade 6 and Grade 7 ONLY

February 27, 2020
​ WJHA Field Trip Feb 28th, 2020 Feb 28 th : Canadian Human Rights Museum  **REVISED TIME *** Grade 6 and grade 7 WJHA students will be going to the CHRM.  There will not be a skating session at the Iceplex. Bus Pick up from school @ 1:00 pm Activity at...

2020-2021 SJASD Draft Budget

February 26, 2020
The 2020-2021 SJASD Draft Budget reports on the status of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division's finances, with a focus toward continually improving our students' education while maintaining the lowest possible costs to the taxpayer. SJASD Draft Budget 2020 - 2021
Public Draft Budget Consultation 2020/2021 Presentation ​​


Registration online for a school outside of your catchment area

February 13, 2020
Registration will be accepted on February 14, 2020. Parents and guardians wishing to register their child at a school outside of their catchment/Division must submit their request online. Registration will be accepted on February 14, 2020.

All requests will be date and time stamped to ensure that there is a...

I Love to Read Feb 10th - 14th

February 09, 2020
​   Bruce Loves to Read!   February 10th thru Feb 14th is I Love to Read week at Bruce and leadership students have planned a variety of activities to show our love of reading! Great prizes to be awarded.   Daily Contes t-  Word scramble! Check out the bulletin board in...

WJHA - Forks Field Trip Feb 7th

February 06, 2020
Feb 7 th   Field Trip to the Forks: River path skate Pick up from School: 3:35pm At the forks 4 – 5:15pm Back at the school 5:45pm Eat 5:45 – 6:15pm Dismissed – 6:15pm Students will need to bring their helmets and skates to the Forks. Please note that If we...

SJASD Adaptive Swim Program teaches lifelong skills

February 03, 2020
The St. James-Assiniboia School Division (SJASD) is proud to offer 60 students from the Division the opportunity to participate in the SJASD Adaptive Swim Program. The program allows students living with additional needs access a weekly swimming lessons program with a specialized swim instructor, Jodi Hutchison.
"The adaptive swim program...

Grade 8 Field Trip to Fort Whyte

January 27, 2020
​ Grade 8 students will be attending a day camp at Fort Whyte Alive on February 13th.  Permission forms for this activity have been sent home with all grade 8 students.  For more information about the field trip please click on the following link.   Grade 8 Fort Whyte Information Letter.pdf

Supporting our teachers with the new Instructional Support Team Newsletter

January 24, 2020
Building upon our Division's commitment to the growth and professional development of our employees, we are pleased to announce the launch of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division's (SJASD) Instructional Support Team Newsletter . Upon reviewing the newsletter, and having the opportunity to see and hear the work demonstrated at the...

Hat/Toque Day

January 23, 2020

For the next few Fridays (and Jan 30th), bring in a twoonie to be able to wear your hat all day long. 
This will be in supprt of The Dream Factory.  On Feb 20th some of the Grey Cup Champion Winnipeg Blue Bombers will be here to play in a...

WJHA Field Trip Jan 17th

January 16, 2020
​ WJHA students who returned their permission forms are reminded that you have a field trip to the U of M Women's Bison Hockey Game tomorrow.  There will not be a session at the IcePlex.  The bus will be leaving BMS at 6:00 pm and will return to BMS at approximately 9:30...

Winter Concert Jan. 23, 2020

January 13, 2020
​BMS Winter Concert will take place on Thursday, January 23rd in the school's gymnasium. The concert starts at 7:00 pm and will be approximately 1 hour 15 minutes in duration.  Everyone is welcome to attend. Students performing at the concert are to be at BMS no later than 6:30 pm and...

Snow Fall Warning

January 08, 2020
​ Buses are running, but delays are expected.  There is a snowfall warning in effect for Winnipeg and that this may cause significant delays to the bus services (starting potentially as early as this afternoon), Wednesday, January 8, 2020 and into tomorrow morning.”  

Frozen JR.

January 07, 2020
​​ Presented by SJASD Divisional Musical Theatre from January 25 to February 1 at Westwood Collegiate.

A story of true love and acceptance between sisters, Frozen JR. expands upon the emotional relationship and journey between Princesses Anna and Elsa. When faced with danger, the two discover their hidden potential and...

Report to the Community 2019

December 18, 2019
Our Divisional Report to the Community is a reflection on the previous school year, with a strong emphasis on our strategic outcomes, student data and future planning in SJASD. We invite you to check out our 2019 report for a snapshot of the ongoing work happening in our Division and to learn...

Snowstorms, Bus Cancellations and Cold Weather

December 11, 2019
Wit​h the cold winter season upon us, the Division is prepared to address weather-related emergencies or extreme circumstances to keep students safe in the cold months ahead. In the event of an emergency, the Chief Superintendent may decide to close all, or specific schools, and/or discontinue bus service in whole or...

2020-2021 Registration Information Evenings

December 09, 2019
  Middle Years Registrations for Middle Years are being accepted for catchment school's starting January 29th, 2020.  To register at a school of choice, you may apply on-line starting February 14, 2020. Senior Years Information Evenings John Taylor Collegiate
470 Hamilton Ave 204-888-8930                Thursday February 13 St. James Collegiate
1900 Portage Ave  204-888-4867                ...

Join Bruce Middle School for Community Paint Night

November 26, 2019
​On November 28, Bruce Middle School will be hosting a Community Paint Night fundraiser from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $25.00 and all students, care givers and community members are welcome.

BMS 50th T-Shirts and 50th Lanyards

November 18, 2019
​   If you have not yet purchased your Bruce Middle School 50th T-Shirt or 50th Lanyard there are some still available in the school's office. 50th T-Shirts are $20.00/each 50th Lanyards are $5.00/each

Annual Scholastic Book Fair

October 25, 2019
​Come check out the Annual Scholastic Book Fair. We have 4 dates for you to stop by and get some shopping done.
Bruce Middle School’s
Annual Scholastic Book Fair
November 6th:      11:45 am – 12:25 pm
                                   1:40 pm – 3:45 pm
November 7th:     11:45 am – 12:25 pm

Taco In-A-Bag

October 23, 2019
​ We will be having Taco Tuesday on October 29th. If you would like to order a Taco in a bag, please submit your order and money by October 24.  Taco in a bag and drink are $5.00 Please click here  to download the order form.

Divisional Choirs Fall Concert

October 21, 2019
​On November 7, our three Divisional choirs will be performing at Westwood Community Church at 7:00 p.m. The annual Fall Concert is a celebration of music and talent across all grade levels in SJASD. Arrive early to be sure to get a good seat. 

School Fees

October 15, 2019
If you have not yet paid your school fees for the 2022-2023, please do so before the end of the school year.  If your required alternate payment arrangements, please contact the school principal. School fees are set up to receive payment through School Cash On-Line.  All School Fees are to be paid...

BMS Important Dates

October 15, 2019

December 23, 2019 - January 3, 2020. Winter Break: ​
Classes resume on January 6, 2020 January 7 - Early dismissal  January 15 - Parent council meeting at BMS 6:30-7:30. Please join us in the school library. ​ January 20 - BMS Open House (for incoming Grade 6...

WE Schools

October 07, 2019
Bruce hosts a WE Schools, We Day Viewing party on Tuesday, Oct 8th from 11:30-1:00pm. A live streaming broadcast of We Day (from Seattle) will be shared with the students in the gym from 11:30-12:25. Students who stay for lunch will have lunch in the gym and continue viewing the broadcast...

Bruce turns 50!

October 01, 2019
​  On October 4, Bruce Middle School is hosting its 50th anniversary celebration. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will a school tour, plenty of memorabilia, slideshows, music and student and staff presentations. Don't miss joining us for this great evening! The event starts at 4:30 p.m. and runs until 7:00...

Spirit Week runs Sept. 30-Oct.4

September 26, 2019
​ Next week we will kick-off our first Spirit Week of the Year! 
Monday: Orange Shirt Day
Tuesday: Twin/Triplet Day Wednesday: Rock & Roll Day Thursday: PJ Day 
Friday: Bearcat Day for the 50th Anniversary​! We hope to see you there!

Bruce Middle School Clothing Sale

August 26, 2019
​ Bruce Middle School Clothing as well as clothing commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bruce Middle School is on sale now!  Sizing samples will be available at the school at the start of each lunch hour for students to try on before an order is made.  Final day to purchase is Sunday,...

Triad Conferences Sept 4 th & 5th, 2019

August 23, 2019
​ Conference Manager is now open for booking your conference times. ​Bruce Middle School Triad Conferences are Sept. 4th & 5th, 2019. You can book your  appointment with your child's B.L.A.S.T. teacher online  To book your appointment, from the front page of the website, click on the "Parent & Community" dropdown tab,...

Notice of Annual School Meetings

July 18, 2019
Each school in St. James-Assiniboia School Division will be holding an Annual Meeting to establish a Parent Council or a Parent Advisory Committee. This is an opportunity to become involved in your school and have a positive impact on your child’s education. Please attend the meeting at your school. We need...

BMS Year End Awards June 27, 2019 1:30 pm

June 17, 2019
  ​Our Year End Awards Celebration is an opportunity to highlight a wide range of student success.  Awards presented are reflected of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division outcomes, celebrating academic, social and emotional growth.  We welcome all staff, students and families to attend our celebration.   For details of the selection...

Gr 8 Farewell Celebration June 24, 2019

June 12, 2019
​ A Grade 8 Farewell Celebration on June 24th is being put on by a PARENT COMMITTEE ….this is NOT  affiliated with the school in any way. A Parent group is planning a fun event for Gr 8 students to celebrate the end of middle school.  Tickets will be available for purchase...

Gr 6 Assiniboine Park Zoo June 21, 2019

June 06, 2019
​The Gr 6 students at Bruce Middle School have the opportunity to participate in one final field trip this year at the Assiniboine Park Zoo It will take place on June 21st, 2019 .  We will be leaving the school at 9:30a.m. and returning to the school at approximately 3:00pm.m  In...

MB Historical Museum GR 6's June 13, 2019

June 06, 2019
​The Gr 6's will be going on a field trip  to the St. James Historical Museum on June 13, 2019.  We will be leaving the school around 9:30a.m. and walking as a  group to the Museum, students will return to the school at approximately 3:15p.m.  During the day students will be...

Gr 8 Grand Prix Amusements June 21, 2019

June 03, 2019
​Time to celebrate our Gr 8 students and their accomplishments at Bruce Middle School.  The Gr 8's will be taking a bus to Grand Prix Amusements.  We will depart the school around 9:15 a.m. and arrive at Grand Prix around 10:00a.m.  For four hours, students will have use of the mini-golf...

Libraries are for Everyone

June 03, 2019
​ The LAST Library class  (check-outs) will be Friday, June 7th, 2019 ALL Library Books must be returned by Thursday, June 13, 2019

K-12 Education Review

May 28, 2019
​ The K-12 Education Review for Manitoba is asking for input from the public. Below your will find information about the Education Review from the Manitoba School Board Association, an SJASD perspective, a listing of our local programming and also a link to the public survey. The deadline to provide feedback and...

Gr 7 Year-End Field Trip Friday, June 21st

May 28, 2019
​On Friday, June 21st, there will be an activity day planned for our grade seven students to celebrate the end of a positive year.  In the MORNING, we will be going BOWLING at Academy Lanes West (formerly the Westwood Village Inn).  The cost for the bowling is $10.00 and should be...

Photo-A-Day Challenge

May 23, 2019
​ Throughout the month of May, SJASD staff shared photos on Instagram to highlight a specific word/theme related to education. Each day, the photo map was updated with one selection from each day. The challenge took place under the hashtag #sjasdphotoaday
Click here to view the photo calendar. 
Thank you to all staff...

Spring Concert May 22, 2019 7pm

May 22, 2019
​The Spring Band and Choral Concert is tonight May 22nd starting at 7:00pm The Parent Council will be running a Mystery Box fundraiser.  Tickets will be priced at: 1 ticket for $2, 3 for $5 and 10 for $10 In addition, GR 8 students will be selling bookmarks and cookies to...

WJHA Hockey Program Windup May 23rd, 2019 Camp Manitou

May 13, 2019
​The WJHA Hockey Windup will take place on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 at Camp Manitou It is a full day event and participants are asked to bring proper clothing/accessories such as hat, water bottle, runners, sunscreen, etc.  Transportation will be provided for staff and students to and from Camp Manitou from...

OurSCHOOL Student Survey

May 08, 2019
​Bruce Middle School will be participating in an online survey called OurSCHOOL Student Survey from May 9-18, 2019  Who:  ALL Bruce Middle School Students When:  May 9-May 18, 2019 Where:  Bruce Middle School Why:  School Improvement   About the OurSCHOOL Student Survey: -Allows students to share their feedb ack anonymously on...

Safe Teen Presentations

May 08, 2019
​ The SafeTeen Presentations are happening at Bruce Middle School on May 16, 2019 for ALL Grade 7 students.  Click Here for More Information:

WJHA Floor Ball Tournament Friday, May 3, 2019

May 02, 2019
 On Friday, May 3rd, all WJHA students will be participating in the annual floorball tournament at Keith Bodley Arena.  the bus will depart Bruce at approximately 12:30 p.m. and will return by the 3:30 p.m. dismissal time at Bruce. A Subway lunch will be provided for all participants but they will...

BMS Community Walk for Winnipeg Harvest

April 29, 2019
 ​BMS Community Walk for Winnipeg Harvest The Grade 7 students at Bruce Middle School are participating in Winnipeg Harvest's 'Empty Bowl Project' during the month of May.  Our goal as a school, is to raise awareness for poverty in our communities as well as globally.  We will set a goal to...

5th Annual High 5 Community Run

April 25, 2019
Who: The race was started as an event for students, staff and families from our High 5 community of schools (Robert Browning, Sansome, Phoenix, Lincoln  and Westwood). Over the past year, it has expanded it to welcome participants from all schools (students, staff and families) in SJASD.

What: A 5km fun run...

BMS Annual Year-End Beach Volleyball June 17th, 2019

April 24, 2019
Bruce Middle School will be hosting it's annual year-end beach volleyball tournament on June 17th, 2019 at Melrose park Community Club.  There is a limit of 130 students to participate and it is on a first come, first served basis.  To reserve a spot, students must hand in their signed permission...

Divisional Choirs Concert

April 23, 2019
The SJASD Spring Concert is taking place on May 9 at 7:00 p.m. at Westwood Community Church. For more details, click here. 

Earth Week April 22 - 25, 2019

April 22, 2019
​ Each morning listen to announcements for important tips and information on how to be sustainable. Our focus this week is on REDUCING (from the 3R's). By reducing consumption and waste , we will have the greatest effect for sustainability. Monday: Earth Day- wear green/blue, participate in clean-air walk at lunch...

Grade 8's participate in We Walk for Water

April 17, 2019
​The Grade 8s are excited about their Fundraising citizenship project called We Walk for Water To see information of all the exciting things they will be doing to fundraise, click here Also, please share the information with your friends and family and donate on Crowdrise    more info click here

International Day of Pink April 10

April 08, 2019
​On Wednesday, April 10th Students and Staff are taking part in International Day of Pink.  It is a day to celebrate diversity by standing up for your community.   Today, Monday, during literacy time,  the students  read about the history of the International Day of Pink and watched a video and discussed what wearing...

Gr 8 Picture Day April 18, 2019

April 03, 2019
​Lifetouch will be here for our Grade 8's on Thursday, April 18, 2019 to have their portraits and a class composite done.  Watch for the order forms coming home soon with your child.

WJHA Field Trip April 12th

April 03, 2019
The last  Friday after school session is April 12th.   All participants will be attending Activate Gaming Centre which is located on Portage Avenue.  Students will be picked up from Bruce Middle School @ 3:30 to go to Activate Gaming Centre and will return to BMS around 5:45 to eat and will...

Gr 8 Recycling Runway Project

March 21, 2019
​Gr. 8 ART students will be partaking in the "Recycling Runway" project throughout April and May (They make outfits out of up-cycled  and recycled goods).  We hope to showcase these designer outfits during the Spring concert which is May 22nd, along with works from all grades. In order to accomplish this,...

WJHA Hockey Change for Friday March 22

March 21, 2019
​ MARCH 22nd...WJHA students will NOT be going to the Ice Plex for the after-school session on March 22nd.  Instead the session will be held at Bruce Middle School and students will be dismissed at 5:15 from the school.

Divisional Science Fair

March 15, 2019
The 53rd Divisional Science Fair is taking place on April 3rd at George Waters Middle School/St, James Collegiate.  
All projects must be dismantled by 8:30 p.m.  Remaining projects will be disposed of after this time.
For the science fair schedule, click here
For additional information about the Science Fair,
click here.

Help Siloam Mission & Win Pizza

March 05, 2019
​ Help Siloam Mission & Win Free BLAST Pizza Every Non-Perishable Food item is Worth 1 ballot  Draw will be on Monday, March 18th The Winnipeg BLAST group gets free Pizza on Friday, March 22nd

Let's Talk Science Challenge April 29, 2019

March 01, 2019
  Let's Talk Science Challenge   April 29, 2019 Three teams from Bruce Middle School will compete against other middle school teams on their knowledge of scientific facts and theories, as well as engineering design/build challenge.  Throughout the day, teams will display their team spirit through their carefully thought out costumes, posters,...

Charity Basketball Game March 01st, 2019

February 28, 2019
 CHARITY BASKETBALL GAME MARCH 1ST On March 1st the Winnipeg Blue Bombers ​will be playing Manitoba Corrections in a charity basketball game at Bruce Middle School.  During halftime of this event, we are offering the students an opportunity to get involved in a "2-Ball" competition with a Blue Bomber player as...

Spaghetti Bridge Competition on March 4th, 2020

February 26, 2019
On Wednesday, March 4, the Geo-scientists and Engineers of Manitoba will be testing spaghetti bridges at Bruce Middle School. The Grade 7 students at Bruce, along with some Grade 8 students, will be testing their bridges (trusses) made of only spaghetti and glue in the MPR!   As a satellite test...


February 21, 2019
​ This activity will take the place of regularly scheduled Friday night hockey academy.  Click here for details:               WJHA Forks letter 2019.pdf


February 21, 2019
​ I love to read week Monday- Pyjama Day Bedtime story read over intercom during afternoon literacy time by our very own A-team! Tuesday - Seuss Day- come dressed in Seuss Style… Crazy Hat, Blue Sox, etc. Wednesday - Wear a word (shirts with words) Thursday - Book Character/Cos Play Contest...


February 20, 2019
  ​During the week of March 4-8, 2019 your child will have the opportunity to participate in a unique mental health awareness program called Speak Out.   Click here for details: Speak up letter on letterhead 2019.pdf

WJHA Wednesday Jan 30, 2019

January 29, 2019
Due to the forecasted weather for Wednesday, the WJHA in-school session will be cancelled.  ​

Registration Forms Available Online

January 25, 2019
​ Please find attached Grade 6-8 Bruce Registration in the below links:
Grade 6
Grade 7 Grade 8


January 21, 2019
​CANCELLED - Grade 7 Camp Manitou, February 7th, 2019 Due to the forecasted weather for Feb 7th,  Camp Manitou has been cancelled.  Students will stay back at the school on this day.  We have planned a variety of indoor activities for these students.  We will still offer a pizza lunch option for $5.00;...

Report to the Community 2018

January 15, 2019
​Our Divisional Report to the Community is a reflection on the previous school year, with a strong emphasis on our strategic outcomes, student data and future planning in SJASD. We invite you to check out our 2018 report for a snapshot of the ongoing work happening in our Division and to learn...


January 07, 2019
Senior Years High School information evenings were held the week of February 11th.  Registration forms will be accepted on February 19, 2019.   Completed Registration forms are to be returned to your child's current St. James-Assiniboia Middle Years School.

WJHA Important Dates

January 07, 2019
​The WJHA program resumes their regular schedule with the first in-school session on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 and the first after-school session on Friday, January 18th, 2019. As part of our involvement with the True North Foundation and the Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy, our hockey academy participants have been invited to attend...

School Cash Online

December 17, 2018

School Cash OnLine is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.
School Cash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s yearbook, class trips and so much more from your own...

Reminder for WJHA Students

December 17, 2018
​ Important Reminder to all WJHA students:  There is no hockey this Wednesday (December 19th, 2018).  Friday's afterschool session (December 21, 2018), will be held at Bruce Middle School.  Students will NOT be going to the Iceplex, instead, WJHA students will be playing games in the gym.  The schedule is as...


December 17, 2018
​SPIRIT WEEK  DEC 17-21 MONDAY:  Opposite Day TUESDAY: Sports/Bearcat Day and Success Assembly WEDNESDAY: Wack Hair/Hat Day THURSDAY: Holiday Attire/ Wear Red or Green (Delivery of Reindeer Kisses during Period 1) FRIDAY: Pajama Day and Holiday Breakfast for ALL STUDENTS during period 1


December 17, 2018
​BMS GR 7 WINTER CAMP FEB 6-8, 2019 Riding Mountain Conference Centre on Clear Lake Click Here for details:  BMS Grade 7 Winter Camp February 6th to 8th.pdf  

Community Bulletin Board

December 14, 2018
​ Looking for ideas of what to do this summer? Need to find a summer camp or activity for your child? The SJASD Community Bulletin Board features upcoming events, programs, camps and courses being offered in the community all year-long that may be of interest to our students and their families. The board is refreshed...

Neil Krebs Award 2018

November 27, 2018
The Neil Krebs award is presented annually to a member of the Middle Years Tier 1 Championship team. It is set up to rotate between a male player one year and a female player the next. Neil Krebs was a student who played on the boys volleyball team at Spring Valley School in...


November 21, 2018
     Click Here:  Holiday Sale Info.pdf


November 15, 2018
​   Bruce clothing has arrived!  Please see Ms. Sproll in the gym to pick up your order.  Please note that some items are on backorder and have not yet arrived, so those items will be arriving as quick as possible.  Thank you for your patience and for ordering clothing this...

Our New Woods Room is Open!

November 09, 2018
​ Due to the space and ventilation upgrades required to run an industrial arts program, a woods room expansion and renovation began in June 2018.  The renovation is now complete and students who have had the woods PA rotation are completing a project before the end of the term.  Included in...

Basketball Referee Clinic

November 08, 2018
The 2018 St. James-Assiniboia Basketball Referee Clinic is taking place on November 21 at Lincoln Middle School.  We are looking for Middle School Basketball Referees for the upcoming season! The free clinic offers registered participants the opportunity to receive their Novice Referee Certification and referee Middle Years basketball in St. James-Assiniboia School Division. 

Remembrance Day Service

November 02, 2018
​BMS will be holding a Remembrance Day Service on November 8th, 2018 @ 9:00 am in our gymnasium.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Talking to Kids about Cannabis

October 31, 2018
​ The Manitoba School Boards Association (MSBA) and the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) present a helpful guide to talk with your child about cannabis. The fact sheet covers cannabis use, harms and risks associated, laws in Canada and other valuable resources on the topic.
Click here to view...

Divisional Choir's Fall Concert

October 29, 2018
The Divisional Choir's Fall Concert is taking place on Thursday, November 8 at Westwood Community Church at 7pm.
More details attached.
​Please click here for the Fall Concert Poster. 

BMS Scholastic Book Fair

October 25, 2018
​ LOCATION:   LIBRARY November 14 th            (Periods 5-8)  11:45 am to 3:30 pm  (closed 12:25 - 1:25) November 15 th          ( Periods 5-8)  11:45 am to 7:30 pm  (closed 12:25 - 1:25 & 4:00 – 4:30 pm) November 16 th          ( Periods 5-8)  11:45 am to 3:30 pm (closed 12:25...

BMS Parent Council Fundraiser - Order Due Date Extended

October 24, 2018
​​Parent Council is having their first fundraiser.  Please see the attachment for information.  There is still time to send in your orders ... Orders are due into Bruce Middle School by Monday,  NOVEMBER 26th.  .  Orders will be available for pickup at BMS Winter Concert on December 12th.
BMS Parent Council Fundraiser Oct...

Parent Symposium Cancelled

October 05, 2018
​ Please note: The Parenting Symposium scheduled to take place on October 13, 2018 at Jameswood Alternative School has been cancelled due to low registration. More information will be provided in the future for upcoming events hosted on behalf of Educational Support Services. 

2018 Election Information

September 11, 2018
The City of Winnipeg Municipal and School Board Election Day is October 24, 2018. School boards are elected in our province to carry out the planning and delivery of educational services within geographic regions known as school divisions. The Nomination Period for School Trustee candidates begins Wednesday, September 12 and ends...

Summer Hours

July 03, 2018
Summer hours will commence on Tuesday, July 3 and end on Friday, August 17. Office hours for St. James-Assiniboia School Division Board Office are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
As for the Media Centre inside the Professional Staff Development Centre, the summer hours are as follows:
July 3 - July 13, 2018:...

​School Day Calendar 2018-19

June 15, 2018
St. James-Assiniboia School Division operates on the six-day cycle. The School Day Calendar includes inservice and holiday information. Additional school specific information may be acquired from our Divisional Calendar at the start of the new school year or individual school websites.  Please see below the School Day Calendar for the upcoming 2018-2019...

Assessment Schedules 2018-19

June 04, 2018

Please see below two assessment schedules outlining provincial dates and programs for the 2018-19 School Year. 
Early and Middle Years Assessment Schedule Senior Years Assessment Schedule


Bruce Art Work

May 29, 2018

Bruce Middle School's Art students are featured on a worldwide gallery called ARTSONIA.  Parents should now have received an email to set up their child's account.  You can check out previous exhibits by following this link...

Don't forget to leave your favourite artist a comment in his...

WJHA Camp Manitou

May 23, 2018
​  Pictures attached.

Earth Day Week Winners

May 02, 2018
​ Earth Week Winners Results Thank you and congratulations to all participants of Earth Week. We hope that your sustainability efforts continue throughout the year! Prize winners had their choice of $10 gift cards to Subway, Starbucks, or iTunes. Trivia Winners: Mon April 23: Adison in Blast 2 Tues April 24:...

Athletic Summer Camp Burasies

April 26, 2018
Any grade 6 or 7 students currently registered to attend Bruce next year who are interested in attending a sport camp this summer and would like to apply for an athletic scholarship please contact Mrs. Sproll at Please indicate which camp you are registering for, the cost of the camp,...

Let's Talk Science

April 25, 2018
​  We have two field trips  that allowed us to send students to a program called Let's Talk Science at the U of M. They are able to learn and explore different science experiments and eqiupment.
Attached is some pictures from these trips.
April 25


WJHA Friday

April 25, 2018
As per the email I sent out on Wednesday incase any parents did not receive it, Dear Parent/Guardian, This Friday, April 27 th , the WJHA will be hosting its annual floorball tournament for all of its students at Keith Bodley Arena.  The tournament will run from approximately 12:45 – 2:30...

BMS Kickboxing Club

April 19, 2018

On February 27th, Bruce's very own Kickboxing Club finally got off the ground, but, then for warm-up, they got back on the ground and did some good ol' burpees, push-ups, and the like!  We have 30 super dedicated kickboxers who are learning to skip, learning footwork, shadowboxing, punches, kicks,...

Tell Them From Me Survey Info

April 18, 2018
Bruce Middle school will be starting the survey with student starting Monday, April 23rd. If you have any questions or concerns contact Mrs Goetz , guidance councellor, at 204-888-1990. Thanks! TTFM - Template Letter for Parents - 2017-18 Year.pdf

Bruce Bearcat Clothing

April 17, 2018
​ Bruce Middle School clothing is now available. All orders are to be completed online by September 28. Deliveries will take approximately 4-6 weeks after the final deadline, and will be shipped to Bruce. Mrs. Sproll will have clothing sample sizes available for students to try at lunch time. Please see...

Young Women's Conference

April 13, 2018
​We sent 10 girls to the youth womens conference where they spent the day

Humboldt Strong

April 12, 2018
The Bruce Bearcats proudly wore green/jerseys to show their support for the tragic accident with the Humboldt Broncos hockey team. We also collected donations to go towards the GoFund me page to show our support to the players and families of the accident . Way to go Bearcats for all your...

Science Fair Winners

April 12, 2018
 Tyler U- Gold
​ Liam P - Silver  Cassidy M & Jersey C - Silver
Dennis M - Silver
Ashley V - Silver

Lubina K - Bronze

WJHA Game Schedule

April 05, 2018
​ Kids will only be attending the games they are playing in.
BRUCE 6/7 GAMES - MOOSE Monday, April 9: Bruce 6/7 vs Isaac Newton                        1:00        Gateway Blue Wednesday, April 25: Bruce 6/7 vs Bernie 7/8                      11:30     East End Wednesday, May 2: Peguis 6/7 vs Bruce 6/7                         11:30     Iceplex Coop...

Spring Divisional Newsletter

March 29, 2018
​The third issue of CONTACT is here! Read the latest initiatives, projects and achievements in SJASD all in one place. This issue highlights JT students departing on a mission trip to Ecuador,  Buchanan growing tower gardens, Phoenix studying the long-told stories of the sky and much more. Click the icon below to...

​Middle Years Parent Survey

March 19, 2018
Schools in St. James-Assiniboia have always taken great pride in providing a high quality of education for all children. In asking you to spend 10-15 minutes to complete this short survey, you can help us to maintain areas of strength and identify areas that need continuing growth or improvement.

Click here...

2018-2019 Budget Summary

March 14, 2018
​ Please click here to view the latest media release on behalf of SJASD highlighting the 2018-2019 Budget Summary. 

Spirt Week

March 14, 2018
Spirit Week Activities  March 19 - 23, 2018
Monday - PJ Day Tuesday - Twin Day & Taco in a Bag Tuesday Wednesday - Beach Day - Tourist Day (dress code still applies!) Thursday - Sports Day - BB game between Bombers and Corrections Friday - Blast Colour Day -...

Interested in Club Basketball

March 09, 2018

​ Now that your basketball seasons are coming to a close (but GOOD LUCK to all those still playing!), Community Club ball would be a great way to keep your teams playing together during the spring and developing their skills and camaraderie for next season. Community Club season runs from...

Bus Service is Cancelled

March 05, 2018
​ Monday, March 5 - All schools in SJASD are open. Bus service is cancelled. There will be no bus service. Once again, all schools are open but bus service is cancelled for the day.

2018-19 Budget Presentation and Survey

March 02, 2018
Please find below the 2018-2019 Public Budget Presentation that was shown on Thursday, March 1 at our annual Parent/Public Draft Budget Meeting at the Board Office.  Our Draft Budget presentation has focussed on how our public schools are funded through provincial grants and local taxes. Equally important is what will be...

Winter Camp Pictures as of Feb 15 @ 9PM *will update as received

February 15, 2018
​ Grade 7 students at Camp Wannakumbac! Fun in the sun & snow! 

Senior Year Open Houses

January 16, 2018

Our four high schools are holding Information Evenings on the following dates for parents and students to meet teachers and learn more about the different types of programs available. All Information Evenings begin at 7:00 p.m. Registration forms will be accepted on February 16, 2018.
St. James Collegiate (ASTec),...

Ski Trip

January 10, 2018
Link to information The Bruce Middle Ski/ Snowboarding trip is scheduled for March 2nd, 2018

Winter Camp

January 10, 2018
​ Grade 7 Winter camp is next month Feb 14-16, 2018.


January 10, 2018

Reminder of the skills competition event tonight, students are asked to be at the school by 6 pm. The bus will be picking students up at 6:15pm and returning at  9pm approx. Supper is NOT included tonight.

Taco in a Bag

November 22, 2017

Bruce Leadership will be organizing Taco in a Bag lunch. Please bring your form and $5 cash (exact amount) to your Blast teacher before October 22nd 9:00 am.     Please click on the link to download the order form ...

Coaching for Confidence

November 07, 2017
NOVEMBER 21, 2017 COACHING FOR CONFIDENCE Presented by Dr. John Walker, Professor – Department of Clinical Health Psychology, University of Manitoba and Director of the Anxiety Disorders Program, St. Boniface Hospital. Shyness and anxiety are normal human emotions.  Some children, however, are much more shy or fearful than the average child. ...

Terry Fox Run September 28th

November 07, 2017
The Terry Fox Run takes place on Friday, September 28th during periods 4 and 5.  The entire school will take part in a 5 km run/walk through Woodhaven and  a fterwards we will have a barbeque.   All funds raised will go to the Terry Fox Foundation to support cancer research  ...

This Week At A Glance

October 24, 2017
October 23-27, 2017
Monday, October 23: T2 girls’ volleyball practice at 7:30am Drop Everything and Read Manitoba School Library Day 11:05-11:25 Tier 1 Girls’ volleyball vs Hedges (Boys at Hedges) 4-5:30 Tuesday, October 24: T2 boys’ volleyball practice at 7:30am Toasty Tuesday, 8:15-8:30 Safe Schools/Cool to Care in PM T1...

Hold & Secure

October 24, 2017
​ Please be advised that we entered a hold and secure situation this morning on the advice of the police in response to an event in the community. Bruce Middle School was not under a direct threat and this was done as a precautionary measure. The police have advised us that...

"Bruce Bearcat "Clothing

October 04, 2017
​"Bruce Bearcat Clothing is Back! You can come down to the front lobby at Lunch Time or After School to be sized! All of the orders are being done online this year, so make sure you come get sized!"   Students will then get a small paper with item details and the...

BMS Curling

October 04, 2017
BMS Curling season is fast approaching! We have distributed information and registration forms to those interested...however we have limited spots. If you child brings home curling forms and is interested in joining, please read the information, complete the necessary forms and remit fees as soon as possible. The deadline for these...


September 23, 2017
​The Leadership Team has been busy planning, making posters, and assembling prizes for our very first Spirit Week of the year! Show your school spirit and come dressed up each day! Theme days are:

Monday- PJ Day- come dressed in pyjamas and bring your favourite sleep items.

Tuesday- Twins or Triplets...


September 23, 2017
On September 26 th and 27 th all grade 7 students who attend Bruce Middle School will be participating in Safeteen presentations. We all want to know what to do to keep our children safe. I think we can all agree that the most difficult thing as a parent/caregiver is to...

Annual School Meetings 2017-18

July 17, 2017
Each school in St. James-Assiniboia School Division will be holding an Annual Meeting to establish a Parent Council or a Parent Advisory Committee. This is an opportunity to become involved in your school and have a positive impact on your child’s education. We need your input and ideas!  Please click here to...

Safe Schools Forum

April 25, 2017
Safe Schools Community Forum, "Wellness Today: Building Healthy Futures"
As part of our commitment to keep our schools safe, St. James-Assiniboia School Division hosts a Safe Schools Forum once every two years.

On Wednesday, April 12, our Division teamed up with local organizations to present the 2017 Safe Schools Forum "Wellness Today: Building Healthy Futures."...

Science Fair Special Awards Report

April 24, 2017
​ S t. James-Assiniboia Divisional Science Fair 2017 Special Awards Report The 51st Annual SJASD Divisional Science Fair took place on April 5th, 2017 at George Waters Middle School and St. James Collegiate. The special award winners are listed below.  Top Project Awards
The Top Project award is presented to a project in Grade 3, 4, and...